
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” Kurt Vonnegut said that. I’d argue that the finale made the argument that Bob Odenkirk’s character wasn’t Jimmy McGill or Gene or Saul. He’s all of them. Only in prison did he achieve his final, integrated form — part Jimmy, part Gene,

Everyone’s fucked in the head to some degree; DSM just tells you how fucked and what kind of fuckery.

“We broke out the butterfly net; but Ezra thought it was an accessory, now they’re wearing it out to the Hawaiian karaoke bars.”

“How about my foot up yer non-binary ass?!”

I’m surprised it took the studio this long to break out the butterfly net.

I’m guessing they decided to “seek professional help” when confronted with a promised $500M lawsuit by WB/Disco. I’m also expecting more shenanigans by mid-October unless WB has Ezra essentially under house arrest until the premier.

Because he is an ex president and he already cant just leave the country. Hell he cant drive himself somewhere off his property without an entourage of Secret Service agents with him. He has zero privacy from the government about his location. So they have time to build a case against him.

…move out of New York, then?

Our justice system is so broken that the best we can probably hope for is that he goes out like his racist piece-of-trash father - pathetically shitting himself while signing blank pieces of paper that he thinks are important documents because his brain has turned to goo. I just hope that doesn’t happen while he’s in

Most likely anything will be civil vs criminal. I will take him accountable for something though. Anything.

Unfortunately for the future of democracy, the requirements to be president are laid out in Article II, Section 1 & the 22nd Amendment, and SCOTUS has long held that those requirements can’t be added to short of another amendment.

It is the Capone clause. He did a lot of shit and they knew it, but they could unequivocally prove that he evaded taxes so that’s what they went with. I expect to see the same ending with DT. 

I came here just to quote that line from the book.

He’s getting his just desserts after that empanadawhateva it seems...! :P

It depends on what you want to go after him for. It’s pretty clear he’s already guilty of “minor” things related to the espionage act, but if you really want to get him for treason, you need A LOT of evidence to convict anyone, let alone a former president.

Johnny got justice, Amber is a very violent and disturbed compulsive liar.

He also lost his Twitch channel and he’ll have to pay damages to the bar, as per the latest tweets in Spanish.

According to Escalona, he and his wife were even kicked out of a restaurant in Madrid because the manager didn’t want “undesirables.”