
The only disadvantage you have, Bryce, is that you’re not a box-office star. Thats it! 

And Bryce Dallas Howard, I’ll bet, made more than Andy Buckley, who apparently played someone named Scott. This doesn’t disprove current Hollywood gender bias any more than Howard’s claim proves it. Bigger stars make more money.

“Hey guys, you want to go see the new Dallas Bryce Howard movie this weekend?”  “You mean the one with Chris Pratt? Hell yeah!”

The picture accompanying this story does not scream “equal star power.”

Chris Pratt is pretty much always doing something good. Everybody who works with him loves him. It’s only the Gen y and loser zoomers who have any problem with him and keeps insisting that he’s anything other than a very decent individual.

Guess who did not have to accept those roles.. so tired of all the crying after the fact. You don't like how much you're getting paid, don't do the work. That's simple. Don't go whine about it later.

Pratt is arguably the bigger star here. Should she have been paid more? Probably, but it’s not surprising Pratt had a better contract. Pay discrepancies are obviously a problem, but there are still other factors that make an actor more valuable than other actors. Hot take time; It’s hard to feel sorry for her when

Of course he got paid more, he was fresh off GotG.

There’s a difference between “reporting” and “promoting.”

Did you even read the article? He did go to bat for her and it made a difference. And Chris Pratt was a much much bigger draw than Bryce. Still is. There is no reason he shouldn’t have been paid more than her.

Another story exposing Chris Pratt as a decent human being. That piece of shit...

This isn’t the Black Panther thread!

“I mean, if you’re gonna get wasted, do it elegantly.”

That sucks, but I’m assuming pay structure was commensurate to star power.

Guys, can we stop pretending to be shocked when an MCU superstar and beloved TV actor gets paid more than some lady who was fifth-billed in The Help?

Winona Forever!

Because Amber Heard is an abusive sociopath.

Personally, I blame whoever gave him the gun and told him it was “cold” (I think it was the AD). You’re not supposed to say a gun isn’t loaded if you haven’t made sure of it yourself. That’s the protocol.

The argument would be that as producer he should have hired a competent armorer, but nobody has really confirmed if he was “that kind” of producer. Of course the follow-up is that he’s Alec Baldwin, and if a gun misfires on set twice that week, he should talk to whoever is “that kind” of producer to tell them to find

That, and the fact that he was the one holding the gun when it went off, but I still believe the armorer is at fault.