
How deliciously intriguing! I hope the documentary really cuts deep into the meat of the issue. I’m sure some juicy details will come spilling out.

Da dodo di de doo-doo!

Jeez, that song was amazing.

Having seen it now, it’s not that bad. Went in with super low expectations. It was miles better than the very bad Fallen Kingdom, not as good as Jurassic World.

Nandor: I wish for the lid of my coffin to be closed.

I totally didn’t catch on that Marwa coming onto Gulliermo was part of the “likes everything Nandor likes” wish.

1 person per year dying from a relatively common activity is what we call “safe”.

Saying that a movie should be in theaters isn’t saying that it shouldn’t be on streaming. Streaming services are full of movies that had a theatrical run.

For a website that has been horny for TV since its inception while also continually mocking anyone who dares insist that the theatrical experience is superior to television this article is the height of hypocrisy.

Exactly. It is not the next epidemic in child deaths.

Things bouncy castles are still safer than, statistics from 2009 to now:

The Sire delivered the greatest wedding speech ever

Ride high or die.

How many kids get killed in bouncy houses, before they become sullen teens?

We should really reframe these lawsuits to reflect who ACTUALLY pays them. Then maybe people will pay attention. She’s suing taxpayers of Utah, via the police they fund. If every headline from these lawsuits told people THEY are paying the bills, because they are, there might possibly be some accountability. Not

This is laughable. Nothing but a money grab, their daughter would be ashamed. They are responsible because 5 days later in a completely different incident she died. An incident she could have started and been the aggressor. Good luck getting money from something you cannot prove. 

They say that if you listen closely, you can actually hear Peter Thiel opening his checkbook...