
Given the current political climate, Devo will no longer be performing Freedom of Choice 

Virtue Signaling.  Yuck.

This is like the post-9/11 kneejerk reaction culture, where any song remotely referencing violence was pulled from radio due to “sensitivity issues.”

“No new Crap - Taking Care of Business now!”

That will show her fans! 

But here’s a song from our new album!  We’re sure you’ll like it just as m... hey where’s everybody going?

How brave of her. I’m sure this will solve America’s gun problem.

Oh god no. And believe me, no one loves a good Lost World pile on than me (with a big John Hammond sigh, I really hate that movie). Think of any movie or game sequel that was simply “more of what came before it”, and that’s a reasonable barometer of expectations. It’s not as fresh as Ragnarok as it’s not first or new,

As someone who lost a parent to cancer, who was about the same age Natalie is now, yeah I really don't give a shit what kind it was that took her from my family. Cancer by any name and form can go f itself. The article picked a weird hill to die on in that regard.

don’t watch it, it’s already 3 movies of Thor with a constant character development, even have freeking coffee talk and sitting in living room talking scenes, if you don’t think that’s enough you are fucking crazy.

Im with Minder One on this. I believe Natalie Portman didn't want to do it anymore, and us fans all know first hand how that always plays out. Hugh Jackman, didn't want to do it anymore, so they killed him in Logan, and they started talking about bringing in someone else to play Wolverine, and now there talking about

No. He’s wrong for seeing Jane die for Thor.

Bingo!..cept it’s waaay worse

I love that this article points out the *three year run* of The Mighty Thor, and then blames a two hour movie for failing to match the depth achieved over that run. Waititi left a whole other movie on the cutting room floor. Most of those are freely admitted to be gags and diversions, but there certainly was also

A two hour movie was never going to give Jane’s Mighty Thor the range and depth of experiences she had in the comic. Comics exist for stories like that where you can spend dozens of issues letting a character grow and develop. Even if Jane survived Love And Thunder it was going to be a greatest hits version.

Apparently we watched very different movies.

Just because something isn’t the same as it was in the comics, doesn’t mean it’s bad, or even less. It just means that it’s not the comics.

Movies don’t have the space and time to develop in the same way that comics do. The only way you could give it the same justice was to

Jane Foster: “Look at me! I have superpowers! This is awesome!”

Maybe I am wrong, but I think the bigger question about Jane’s death in the film is wether or not it was a choice that was influenced by Portman’s actual willingness to stay tied to the MCU content mill in the future.

I loved her as the Mighty Thor and reallywished that her character hadn’t died, but at the same time,

I get the feeling Love and Thunder is to Ragnarok as The Lost World was to Jurassic Park.