
I believe it is comically known as a “force kick” these days.

In fairness, the director of photography should have set the shot up at an angle that did not make the fake kick so obvious.  Move 40 degrees to the right and it looks like his boot nails his face.

FWIW, making Congress more proactive is a good thing for democracy. Liberals are guilty of letter the administrative state do the heavy lifting. Problem is, one judge can fuck up those plans. It also allows people to get comfortable with a do-nothing Congress because problems can be solved in tiny chunks. But that’s

He figured out how to track Han Solo when a fully crewed Star Destroyer and multiple other bounty hunters could not. And he was also able to negotiate with Darth Vader.

I think the problem is, as has been pointed out in other threads on this show, that there is no WAY Disney was going to make a show about a bad assed Boba Fett killing his way to the top of the underworld, and that is what a lot of fans wanted/expected.

In some fairness to Boba, when he originally went into the sarlacc it was just a hole in the ground with teeth. The tentacles were added 15 years later :)

Honestly I’m fine with Boba Fett being a chump. I could never understand why he had such a following. Well, aside from the jetpack, of course. Jetpacks are always cool. Other than that he’s a guy that wisely played a hunch by staying behind when the Imperial fleet went to hyperspace in ESB and... that’s it. 

The thing about the Boba Fett show is that... it doesn’t feel like a show that anyone wanted to make, really.

Both the Star Wars and Marvel Disney+ shows are guilty of having tons of episodes where basically nothing happens. It's really kind of frustrating as a fan. They’re like the opposite of 24, where the city/country/world was coming to an end six different ways every season (day, basically).

Look, it’s not like there’s anything else they can be covering. We’re living in a genre dry spell, and Boba Fett is the only thing on TV that would remotely interest io9's audience. /s

Yup ! He is a Chump .always was and seems will always be .

I heard this version of batman has “darkness, no parents” tattooed on his forehead. That’s how you know he means business. 

Now playing

No mention of his direction of the greatest simulator ride of all time, Back To The Future: The Ride?

It starts to become stupid when you bring Robin in

DC and Marvel have been borrowing concepts from each other for decades.

I actually like the way this is sounding so far.

That wasn’t clear from the numerous trailers, TV spots, stills, and interviews already?

So, it’s just another dark and gritty Batman reboot then. 

Manchin has been very clear that he wants an energy bill that includes money for renewables and battery vehicles. He wants some token amounts for carbon capture of for coal - give him that because coal is going to go away due to sheer economics anyway, while getting better at permanent carbon storage will be needed to

That drastic belt-tightening comes after the agency has reported a net loss of $100 billion since 2007,”

Wow, having daily door-to-door delivery to every single address in the United States only costs about $7 billion per year on average? That’s a great deal.