Crummy cartoon crossover or not, “A Star is Burns” is one of the best Simpsons episodes ever...It gave us “Boo-urns”, Senor Spielbergo, Football in the Groin, and easily two dozen more great moments..
Crummy cartoon crossover or not, “A Star is Burns” is one of the best Simpsons episodes ever...It gave us “Boo-urns”, Senor Spielbergo, Football in the Groin, and easily two dozen more great moments..
Don’t touch it! It’s the History Eraser Button you fool!!
If you want to smoke in your rental, go for it, and just buy a large fries from McDonald’s, eat some, leave the rest in the bag in the car when you return it.
So now we know where the Toy Story guys got Zerg from, sheesh....
I’m sure climate change ain’t helping, but in 1940 the total population for Nevada and Arizona combined was around 600,000 souls. In 2020, it was like 9 million, and I bet all of ‘em are thirsty, ‘cause I’ve heard it get like a desert out there sometimes.
I am coming around to Mangold on this one as well. Senor Spielbergo seems too timid these days to lean full into the Nazi’s as bad guys for Indy once again, but it looks like Mangold isn’t as skittish.
People love their Hepburn/Tracy, but Lanchester/Laughton are just as much a of joy to watch on screen as any of the more well known Hollywood pairings.
It’s about goddamn time..
Jake Bullet - Cybernautics Division..
That’s easy, I still have one of these cloth headbands from opening night..
That’s no small feat.. (“no, no, no”)
Thursday is not good for the Eradicator..
So they will soon be..
The alternative timelines thing with that same key being worn by one of the corpses and one of the live characters was sure hinting at something.
Steve Martin
Ranking The State that high on your list is good enough for me...