
Nope, ‘twas Dr. Strangepork!

Indeed, keep time travel, holocrons, and clones (other than what we already got in AOTC) stuff out of the movies please.

That’s some Death Star wreckage at the end, right?  But what planet could that be..another moon of either Yavin or Endor?

Most likely that hard truth is that absolute best thing you can do for the environment is not have kids, anything else is just lip service.

What a great way to demonstrate how committed you were to your artistic vision..

Oh joy, more bullshit nobody asked for with internet-connected “Smart” TV’s....

What if you are an extremist about recycling?  

Now playing

As long as features split screens, lots of overhead camera work, and a 3-minute plus tracking shot, I’m in.

“Surrender to the flavor!

Speak for yourself, I want the ocean to look fabulous..

If it bleeds, it leads.  

BF2 is a blast and I honestly don’t know how any fan of Star Wars games isn’t playing it to death.

Pork chops with chicken and rice soup is how my mom used to make it!