
[Singing] You don’t win friends with salad...”

It serves to hide the eventual robots from public view, obviously...

I’m struggling to believe that Sarek would adopt a human child, but sure, whatever you say, Star Trek.

Speaking of hats, one of my relatives was remarking on how an ICE hat was an effective tactic for clearing out a waiting room at a clinic so they didn’t have to wait as long. And they were so proud of this, like they just found money on the street..

I wish the TinTin sequel was moving forward quicker, and I hope he’s writing for that one as well.

Because the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG was such a success....


Is he that loud though? He’s not standing out in the Commons with a bible in his hand accosting passers by, is he? Is he showing people he runs into in the grocery store pictures from his social media accounts?

“I’m not a madam, I’m a concierge...”

“Shot in Puerto Rico” - I hope that means they pumped that $30 million into the economy there.


LOL, I grew up in Bowie, MD :) 

The question is, what is truly considered more successful? As a creative, would you rather have 1 million people pay $1 each to see your art, or 50,000 people pay $20 each to see it?

Try the veal, it’s the best in the city..

We’d roast them over a flame pit as children. Their flesh was quite delicious!

..A spokesman for parrots said he was glad no parrots were involved.”

Now playing

Who can forget the Port-O-San man, and the guy who comes out of the john afterwards...