
Pluralizing the infamous Count as “a” Dracula is one of our home’s running gags :)

I’d rather burn livestreaming, man.

Starred for the Some Like it Hot reference...

As a frequent user of the DVD program, I sincerely want to thank you for service in this area.

Unfortunately, a lot of DVD’s have gone out of print, and thus when Netflix loses their copy due to reasons, it cannot be replaced easily.  Even in cases when it could, I’m not sure how much they restock older catalog titles.

Penny Singleton in the “Blondie” films...28 in total from 1938 to 1950.

Jesus dude, Conrad Veidt called...

and fashion devotees everywhere take to streets in celebration...

Remind you of anyone?

..well, there goes your chance of ever working for Disney...

Ben Hardaway’s Woody Woodpecker’s are awesome! Though as sacrilegious as it may be, I have a soft spot for many of the Paul J Smith ones, especially Niagra Fools and the one where Knothead and Splinter go to granny’s... 

Hit the road!”

You shut your damn mouth.  I have more tolerance for the Gophers than the missus, but over Hubie and Bertie, that way lies madness..

Umm... Mammy Two Shoes is Tom and Jerry, which was MGM, not Warner..and I don’t know if Chuck had anything to do with Mammy until the 60's, and by then the T&J’s were a suckfest...especially Chuck’s

“Like, link us”

Drink Friz!!!