Thom Weights

While I’m not a huge fan of watching people get hit in the nuts myself, I’m also not a fan of when people state that they’ve never seen any part of a show, but then assert that anyone who liked it is a bad person. The people who liked watching the show didn’t like watching people get hurt, they liked watching people

That kid in the back row types 80085 on his calculator, but then the kid he passes it to turns it over and reads, SBOOB?

Maybe it’s a bad idea to put Dark Souls on something easily throwable.

FINALLY! I’ve been saving this gif on my Compaq for 24 years!

So they’re Showtime, is what you’re saying

So the next obvious choice was Jared Leto? Jesus.

i liked him as the crossdresser in dead man.

I think his point is that since his NFL career was so short, either CTE can happen very quickly, or else the normal amount of pre-professional football one needs to play in order to make the NFL is enough to cause CTE. Neither conclusion is acceptable to the NFL

Fuck off Chris Thompson, no one wants to get no hit, no matter how bad their season has been. So you can take this useless article and go to hell...

Doesn’t GarField hate dogs, though? Or is that just Odie?


Somewhere Sarah McLachlan is really wet.

if they didnt want to have this article written to coincide with harvey they could have just won more games last year

The city is used to dead bodies.

You did see the part where someone specifically emailed him to tell him he was looking forward to it among the misery, right? And that mostly this is all in good fun for laughs

Video is inconclusive so we have to go with the call on the field, unfortunately. Sorry, dems da rules.

White Sox Owner to GM: We must be rid of the white walkers

Somebody clearly doesn’t understand the core concept of this series...

I’ll never understand the assholes who don’t enjoy this series. I love the Saints, and I love this post.