Thom Thardy

Hey, I’m scrolling down this thread, and I just wanted to say... I think your initial post was perhaps over emotive and I can see why you pulled in a negative reaction. I try my best to be as sensible and balanced online as I can, but I’m occasionally guilty of saying something that leads to a million people jumping

I somewhat understand how you feel. I’ve been where you’re currently at. I’ve been ready to quit Game of Thrones a few times, then I’ve come to realize what a fantastic show it is and I keep watching feeling blessed to be apart of this show as it is happening. Ok, you have invested more years than me but I guarantee

Well, I’d recommend disengaging for a few days. Take a break from the internet, spend time with people who have interests not related to GoT... a bit of distance is good for gaining perspective. The world didn’t end, you just learned that an author doesn’t share your view of what makes a good story. In the end, it’s

I’m not going to pile on you for pulling the plug on GoT. If you’re not enjoying the show’s direction, then no longer watching makes perfect sense.

Jesus, D&D have officially jumped the shark (which was riding a goddamn motorcycle on a bridge in space at the time). Time travel meddling has been my limit on GoT bullshit theories for the past 5 years, and they actually goddamn went through with it.