Hold Me Now

Just like Bernie, Beto relies 100% on individual donations from you, the voter. Beto doesn’t want corporate money because Beto doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone or anything except you, the voter.

Fucker fooled me. I didn’t ungrey him but fell for some of his posts.

I’ve been vacillating between “feeling pretty good about the senate actually there is a more than decent chance” and “no way in fucking hell are we taking the Senate and you better start accepting that now. Your username is perfect: hold me! 

After what happened in 2016....probably best to NOT trust poll numbers. Assume your vote is important, because it is.

heteropatriarchy? lol.

More specifically white men, who look like me.

I’ve seen a few studies on WBUR and the Globe indicating that Yes on 1 would work for the bigger hospitals and harm the smaller ones outside Boston. That, and every EMT I’ve asked being against it has convinced me no.


Don’t really care in this case since it’s a valid question.

They must have good patient ratios already then, I would welcome it here in Alabama in a heartbeat. I worked too many shifts and still see others doing the same where there is not enough time to provide more than just basic care to everyone. Caring for too many patients can be a danger to the patient and to the nurse

We in Mass are being bombarded with professional corporate advertising telling us to vote yes on Question 1

Great post - well said. It’s just funny hearing people bitching about potentially unfavorable interest rates 30 years from the bond issue will never be not funny.

I am voting No on Question 1, not because I think that patient to nurse ratios are wrong, but because I feel that it’s poorly written. It would take effect on Jan 1, 2019 and I don’t think it gives hospitals enough time to get their shit together. If you compare it to California’s law - hospitals in MA will have to

It’ll probably be Locum organisations. They’re a big thing in the UK now where outside agencies provide nurses to fill gaps.

From ballotpedia: