
You have to grab a copy of The Garner Files. He tells a great story about his favorite scene from the movie, 2 minutes of dialog between Henley & Blythe that got cut from the finished film.

"I've been asked time and again 'How do you want to be
remembered?' I usually say I don't care but that's not true. I want to
have accomplished something, to have made a contribution to the world.
It would be wonderful if just one person looked at my life and said 'If
he can overcome that, maybe I can too.'"

"I smoked marijuana for 50 years. Can't imagine where I'd be without
it. It opened my mind about a lot of things, and now its active
ingredient, THC, relaxes me and eases my arthritis pain. After decades
of research and personal observation I've decided that marijuana should
be legal and alcohol should be illegal. But

"Someone once asked me if Steve was trouble. Steve was trouble if you
invited him for breakfast. He didn't like anything. Like Brando, he
could be a pain in the ass on the set. Unlike Brando, he wasn't an
actor. He was a movie star, a poser who cultivated the image of a
macho-man. Steve wasn't a bad guy; I think he

"Oh and Werner? …. That's a focal-plane shutter. Let me know when you've got it."…."Crazy mixed-up kid that Werner, but I like him."

Garner was in the 3rd row for MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech. Dude was the real fucking deal, no doubt about it.

He was the kind of guy that other guys thought girls should like. "Any chick doesn't like Jim Garner …well she ain't worth knowing dammit!"

High speed in reverse, simultaneously slam on the brakes and throw the wheel hard right (or left) causing the car to spin, straighten out the wheels to stop the spin at 180 degrees while throwing the car into 1st gear, effectively changing which way your car is pointing without stopping…. The Rockford Turn.

Jim Garner made checked sport coats look good.

Jim Garner was the kind of guy that made guys think "I wish I was like Jim Garner."