Thomas Mac

At this point I’m just shrugging because I’ve been saying that Joe is a no but people thought he was a return to something. Not really sure what it was because frankly, the Obama years weren’t that great for me materially and that is what I want from my politics because symbolism doesn’t pay the rent or put food on

People are dying right now.

Who the fucking fuck are you? You fucking fuck? I’ve been pouring my guts out on this site for years, you fucking fuck. Biden only stands for Biden and the Delaware credit card industry. We are all in for a hard road.


Fuck the Democratic party. They enjoy losing. It’s why they do their best “Charlie Brown kicking the football” impression every four years by nominating centrists that can’t win a national election.  I can’t wait for these Boomers to die off so we can get something akin to a progressive agenda through.

I want you to be right on this. I really do. But history has shown us that it’s equally plausible that they did know and went with him anyway, especially considering he already had a trail of publicly known fuck ups.

Oh I’m not desperate to dismiss the allegations. I do not care for Biden. I don’t.

He finally has an excuse to throw to the Saints now!

People were legitimately saying that, and those people are dumb (and bad and should feel bad)!

Yes, clearly the fact that she’s a Sanders supporter indicates she’s willing to lie about rape.

The idea that accepting money from Louis CK is less moral than accepting money from Mike Bloomberg is laughable. 

Takes one to know....nevermind.

Thank you. Excellent summary.

If you need a shadowy organization to point to it would be the DNC. It’s funny how people seems to ignore how much of politics is done behind closed doors. Question. How many candidates were called before Super Tuesday by ex-Presidents and told to drop out and support Biden? The answer sure isn’t Zero. Who called Clybu

You’re wallowing in victory, because you’ve always been vindictive, but even you know that Bernie’s movement is bigger than anything Stein or Nader built.

Easiest job in DC is to be against the Party that is in Power.

This whole analysis assumes that ‘Sanders supporters’ is a cohesive group that covers most of the people who voted for him. It does not. A large percentage of his support is simply people who dislike the status quo but are not particularly political. Thus the low turnout as many are not the ‘true believers’ people

What amazes me about the Black Vote going to Biden by such a large margin, even though Biden’s policy positions and behavior are basically a middle finger to black people. All that seems to have been forgiven because Obama picked him as his running mate, but policy wise Bernie made more sense.

bernie supporters are going to get blamed again. we’re already getting blamed now.

Can’t wait for the followup in November: “Breaking the Joe Biden Bubble”