Thom H.

They should have made it a crossover film with Batman and called it ‘Flyby: Knight’.

While I have no doubt that there was/is some homophobia going on, especially at the studio executive level, I’m inclined to believe that he was indeed fired simply because he cast as Ratner’s Superman. When Ratner left and the project changed, the casting changed with it. Happens all the time.

I am a Superman Returns defender, even if I acknowledge  that the nostalgia and the Superman theme is doing the heavy lifting for it. And that its a movie that paid several sex offenders.

I figured you would be more familiar with his kneeling height

I think he would have been a great Clark/Superman, but man am I glad there was never a Ratner directed Superman.

Superman canon height Golden Age/Post-Crisis- 6'2"

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY happy to hear it may be out this year. INCREDIBLE first season! Completely crushed the finale- which has made this interminable wait so damn painful.

One huge facet of the job you didn’t mention that requires a lot of work and discipline is keeping herself looking that good at her age. She doesn’t look like that from walking back and forth on stage lighting up panels for 5 days a month. But I agree, she’s got a sweet gig.

Sweet gig. With that schedule I’d still look good in a dress at 67 years old too.

Was the “offscreen he was an evil Republican” aside necessary?

Good for Pat Sajak, but Vanna White is my hero.

“Bowen Yang and Keenan Thompson address Shane Gillis, Dave Chappelle SNL moments.”

Yeah, I definitely feel like a lot of people/outlets (definitely the AV Club) are trying to make Yang’s approval the barometer by which celebrities are judged... at least when it comes to SNL.  Like damn, stop trying to dissect what him standing offstage means.  Definitely feels like trying to drum up artificial drama.

I certainly get the sense that Yang is liberal, but it doesn’t necessarily follow from that that he’s outraged by all the things that liberal online spaces are angry about. Comedians tend to be pretty forgiving about other comedians’ jokes, since a whole lot of the job involves saying things that you think will

I feel like there are a lot of people who see Yang and project on him all their feelings and political beliefs.

There were a bunch of weird sentences in this article I had trouble making sense of that I wondered if this was AI generated at first?

I just finished watching the entire run of the original Doctor Who. (I refuse to binge watch so it took a looooong time.) Ian Chesterton really was one of the best companions the Doctor had. I’m sorry to see him go, but I’m glad we had him as long as we did.

Do you do your best to discover what your coworkers political beliefs are and then avoid them based on how well their thoughts align with yours? I may be wrong but I don't think that's common workplace behavior. 

Republicans are about ready nominate a rapist for president.