Thom H.

He clearly just wants the attention, right? I mean, why else live your entire life publicly while consistently making the dumbest of decisions. Is it that hard to *not* give narcissists what they want in this country, or is that what we were founded on and now it’s just second nature?

Oh, for sure. The cell tower data is absolutely unreliable and always has been. In fact, it came with a caveat from the phone company that it was unreliable — that Adnan’s defense didn’t see until after he was convicted.

Good point. I have to think, and this is just my opinion, that the police railroaded Adnan because he was the easiest way to a closed case. The fact that there are two other entirely credible suspects to this day, one of whom committed similar crimes to this one, makes me think that Adnan had nothing to do with Hae’s

The problem is that his account of what happened has changed enough over time it’s regarded as pretty unreliable and probably made up, either out of spite or for the attention”

Paget Brewster has to come back. Such an inspired late addition to the cast. And I would love to see her bounce off of Yvette Nicole Brown, who clearly must return. It wouldn’t feel complete without Shirley.

Thank you for the hot tip about this video. I do think she had an idea that she was going to die. She called it her “estate sale,” and she died of cancer, so I think it was her way to make fun of something terrible, as usual.

Thank you. I kept thinking the second season must be different somehow, and then the trailer would tick off another box from the list of last season’s story beats. I like Aubrey Plaza a lot, but not enough to watch the same show again.

Ah, this argument actually makes the most sense to me. Thanks for the explanation!

Fair. But people love superhero movies, and it’s not like they’re breaking new narrative ground on a regular basis.

Oof. I love Billy Eichner and watch pretty much anything he’s in — and I’ll definitely see Bros at some point — but if the other comments here are any indication, the marketing for this film really missed the mark. Far from “this is a comedy that will appeal to everyone,” it seems to have implied “gay people, and gay

Oh no! He likes to be alone *and* he kept a baseball cap? He uses big words when he talks? *pulls out pitchfork* Get him!

Yeah, this was fine. I agree with others that we know the story by now, no need to linger on the details of Dahmer’s early life. I was impressed by how much the series focused on various victims of his crimes: his family, his neighbors, his victims’ families. It wasn’t an in-depth analysis or anything, but more than

I’m a fan of true crime in general — just want to state my bias up front.

Oh shit. I thought I was the only one who had a “narm” in-joke with my friends. That’s hilarious.

Another that Niemann stole a vibrating, wireless anal bead system powered by an advanced AI from Carlsen and used it to win.”

Stereolab is one of the most important bands of the ‘90s, no doubt about it. And the photo captures one of my favorite ‘lab line-ups. I still feel warm fuzzies of sadness whenever I see a picture of Mary. Love that this final singles collection is getting some attention around here.

I’m not sure why we’re still pretending that the Batgirl and Flash movies are at all comparable. “[A] major part of Warner’s ongoing efforts to reassemble its superhero franchises into a coherent core” describes the Flash’s importance pretty well. That’s quite a bit more investment for WBD.

Good to be reminded that the best songs aren’t always the most popular songs.

They also didn’t speak English. Or star in video games. We adapt stories to fit our contemporary circumstances.

Why has Hope Davis not been in every Wes Anderson movie? They seem perfect for each other.