Thom H.

So weird to read an article about two corporate entities fighting with all the “it believes” and “it waited” language. Creepy. Maybe I should imagine them as alien beings? Or individuals whose preferred pronouns are it/its? In any case, I find it hard to care when a couple of office buildings are mad at each other.

I love the scene where everyone gets incinerated. I didn’t think it was funny, but I was definitely moved by it. The heroes lost, but they maintained their humanity.

I liked the length. It seemed like the cowboy astronaut guy was going to save the day Armageddon-style (boring) and then everything was turned on its head and the movie became a lot more current and interesting. That was the first of at least a couple of turns I didn’t see coming, which I enjoyed.

Yeah, I don’t get all the criticism either. I was interested in seeing it from the start but held off because I heard so many negative things. Once I did see it, I really enjoyed the plot, the satire, the acting. Did I bust a gut laughing? No. But a lot of it was funny, and the ending has stuck with me for weeks. All

I think you absolutely nailed it. If actors and directors want to fight about moviemaking, then meh. Who cares? But if a male director is systematically harassing / grooming / intimidating his female actors, then yuck and illegal.

I know 100% that no one is ever going to read this comment, but I have to say that I loved Army of Thieves. The love story was sweet, the locations were gorgeous, the script was funny, and there were definite stakes. The plot could have made a little more sense, but who cares — it’s a heist movie.

That’s literally a huge plot point in the movie. 

I think this is a fair assessment. The show would amble along with compelling, grounded storylines until BAM! David is abducted, smoking meth, and having sex with his kidnapper. I mean...? It’s like Ball wasn’t content to create a beautiful meditation on attachment and loss. He also had to throw in some gratuitous

No thank you. An AI constantly surprised by everything around it reminds me of theater school exercises crossed with death by lasers. Not interested at this time.

100%, except for the blowing-myself-up 90%, I guess.

Oh yeah, I guess there was kind of a cliffhanger at the end of season four. I totally had to go back and rewatch it quickly to remind myself, which isn’t a good sign that I was super engaged at that point.

I would 100% love that, but DC comics aren’t distributed by Penguin Random House. Marvel comics are. I have a feeling this publishing initiative was part of the deal that lured Marvel away from Diamond.

I agree. But if we’re going the MCU route, the team book should be the Avengers, right? Spider-Man, Black Panther, Avengers. That covers a lot of popular-movie ground, and then Fantastic Four and the X-Men can be published after they officially join the cinematic universe.

Okay, I can buy that the guy had to use “child porn” and “child sexual exploitation” as a means to secure the financial damages. Same with the demand to alter the cover photo. If he was going to (disingenuously) claim that it was child porn, then he had to follow through on getting the penis removed from the image.

Oh, deep discomfort with the human body meets an overly litigious society? Perfect. God bless the USA!

I like Ben Platt and watched every episode of The Politician, but he’s clearly a vampire in the lead photo for this feature and that girl is in danger.

We’re not watching the show for the lore”

I’ve seen the first episode of Q-Force, and it was just as bad as Juan Barquin’s review predicted. Maybe the season improves from there, but based on the two chuckles I got out of the first half-hour I’m not willing to put in the time to find out. I expected more from the star power involved.

I don’t know. If Sean Hayes imported any of the tired queer humor from Will & Grace to this show, then I have to say I’m not surprised. I’ll watch the first episode to see, but I expect to cringe about as much as I did at W&G.

I would totally watch Chris Evans in a shirt-falling-off Doc Savage case anyone was wondering.