Youtube video has been removed - you can find the vid or just audio here: []
Youtube video has been removed - you can find the vid or just audio here: []
For fairness, apples to apples, you guys would not spend the extra $100 ($400 ipad 2, $500 new ipad) to have the nicer screen, camera, graphics, and most importantly (to me) resale value? If Apple is only going to support 1 current and 1 previous generation of devices, it seems like it would put you in a bad spot to…
The comments were far more interesting than the review. I love how that works.
"It was a simple site that some of you may Know"
Too big for pocket, too small for good tablet. Ultra-fail.
That's super funny. I recently listened to an academic presentation that touched on the "flight distance" of squirrels - normally a "city" squirrel will run away from a human (depending on distance from a tree to escape to) at a distance of about 12-15 meters. Obviously a chipmunk is much more brave which is really…
Yeah, the hardware is sweet - but the real truth of the matter is that this would be another step in the direction of all of their hardware only running the software that they approve and sell through an app store - which is precisely why I cannot support such a company. They want to lock you down into living in their…
So Toyota had to simply acknowledge that they both independently invented the same technology? And it took how many years in court? I'm missing something.
Lamo of course did the right thing. If the kid is gay or whatever it wouldn't have taken long for him to be outed in the prison system anyway.
Someone should have put Steve on the spot and told him that people weren't wasting their time to call and complain because they could read the scripted replies they would receive on the internet. Puts a little dent in his "not a large number" defense.
I keep reading more and more comments from people that are going to "hold off" on buying the new iPhone until this is all patched up... who in their right farking mind would ever buy anything from them again? They have just basically proclaimed their customers all idiots and believe this "fix" will fool you into…
@bigtimes: unless you bought it at the Apple store you are subject to a restocking fee. (Best Buy, Radio Shack, etc)
The fix: finally admit we've been inflating the reception of the iPhone for years. Sounds like they opened a whole 'nother can of worms.
How exactly is buying DRM'd books the smartest move? ePub and PDF will be read across multitudes of devices, with multitudes of apps - you'll be stuck with DRM'd Kindle books and reading them on a Kindle or Kindle apps. I simply don't get this line of reasoning.