I can't wait for Ben Carson's seminar on why the Pharos of Alexandria was actually the world's oldest radio stack. Also built by Moses.
I can't wait for Ben Carson's seminar on why the Pharos of Alexandria was actually the world's oldest radio stack. Also built by Moses.
This pun-editing chat is getting way too saucy.
Is this going to be a House of Cards that doesn't suck then?
I know you're trying to get me to respond to you, but I, the number one batefan on this site, won't take your bate, man.
"America was invented by King George III to store bread, lots and lots of bread" - Ben Carson.
"what if donald turmp still ontv" -SNL2020
"Sure I knew it was a bad idea and it wouldn't be very good but I figured, what the hell, it might be entertaining" - Satan, after he breaks the seventh seal.
[Plumber, after digging through a blocked drain, finds a bright golden toupee. Shrugs, moves on.]
The fact that Alexander the Great never hosted SNL ONCE just continues to support my view that it is evil trashgarbage fit to be consumed by only the lowest of plebes.
No-one says it's wrong to call out corruption. If the corruption was legitimate, I've no doubt Quinn herself would say it was okay to call it out.
I think it's mod supervision. A few of my comments were deleted too, which I don't mind. In hindsight I should have watched my vitriol, these chucklefucks are way too easy to get angry at.
Incidentally, though, I love the implication that I'm trying to get women to fuck me by posting in a comments thread. As opposed to, y'know, going to a bar.
Technically I'm the white Earl of Essex, but I won't turn down another titleā¦
fuck that guy, you cut off a man's head once and he never stops talking shit
Oh wow, what happened? Was I being gossiped about?
I think that proper elucidation on the matter is only going to help. Yes, the same assholes who are always mad will keep being mad, but the general public will know better. Ignoring this shit won't make it go away, taking it head on and confronting it will.
Okay, I'll brace myself and step out into the real world. Preparing myself to by blinded by your #woke #truth.
Finally! Some work!
Do you believe that it's a reasonable concern? Do you have any basis for that opinion? To my ears it just sounds like paranoia, or an attempt to play down Zoe's importance and credibility.
I mean, your lack of willingness to talk to people about this does explain why you sound like your head is jammed up your colon.