Where's your basis for that assertion?
Where's your basis for that assertion?
What kind of 'debate' are you after. All I've seen you do scream "false equivalence!" as a bizarre rhetorical zinger and baselessly assert that a press statement from a movie studio is false.
This is actually the dictionary definition of "false-equivalence", typo and everything.
Quick question: who are they? Please answer in the most tinfoil hat way you can.
"D-damn feminist's!"
Hey @RealDonaldTrump, someone's stolen your vocab!
Dude, the article is about her writing a book.
Ask them it then. Report your response (it won't be pretty).
When you next meet your mother or another close female relative, go up to them and say that they shouldn't have won the right to vote. I dare you.
Yeah, no-one's putting up with all that progressiveness. Remember Fury Road? Remember how it made exactly zero money / critical acclaim?
actually it's about ethics in curse journalism
"if you lie to people about their awful inequality, they'll be happier"
"I have black friends, honest!"
So do you believe denying women political rights and justifying their abuse is borne out of love? Christ, if that's how you love people then I pity your girlfrie- OH WAIT.
"it makes you wonder if giving women the right to speak and have opinions was such a good idea?"
"I'm not a misogynist" - you.
If huffing irony got you high, I'd be out for two weeks after this comment.
Actually, mate, I think it does intrinsically.
I mean, don't they get it? It's over. It was over the moment it was born, the moment anything other than Breitbart started covering it. Gamergate has rightly been branded "that dreadful internet collective that harasses the marginalised". Newsflash: outside of 4chan; 8chan; and the more despicable subreddits, NO-ONE…
Serious question: why are you doing this? You search out articles that castigate your views and actions as wrong (spoilers: they are) and bibble in the comment section while people endlessly dunk you for being shit. You are convincing no-one; you are doing no good to anyone, not even yourself. You try and disprove…