
Dr. Dre looks younger than I remebered

Why did Steve have to die

OK so there's the original iphone, there's the iphone 3G which is the iPhone 2, there's the iPhone 3GS which is the iPhone 3, theres the iPhone 4 which is the iPhone 4, and there's the iPhone 4S which is the iPhone 5. I don't understand why you would think otherwise.

This kid played too much Grand Theft Auto

This makes very little sense. Why would they put drivetrain designed for a RWD platform in a FWD car? They would need an entirely new transmission capable of handling the torque and just based on the trouble they had the first time around its not gonna be easy. The transmission is gonna be way to big to fit a

that was pretty awesome

and scrubs

That engine looking thing is actually the airbox. If engineers took time to make a long hood then the motor is definitely gonna get pushed up against the windshield and even under it in this case.

You forgot no doors (or removable ones at least).

You're a fuggin idiot MLK wasn't an entertainer. "Plaintiff moves for a preliminary injunction restraining defendants from selling phonograph records of a speech by him or from otherwise infringing the copyright claimed for the speech." He filed a suit to keep people from profiting from his speech. This is the

I woulda done the same thing. It looks like there was a dip under the bridge that was big enough to get some water in the snorkle.

Just saw a Mazda 929 yesterday and didn't know what it was. It's RWD proportions immediately caught my eye but I had no idea what it was until i saw the badges.

it's more about putting more power down than it is about traction and dynamics.

I like Apple but they'd dismantle hulu. Hopefully Google gets it.

I was waiting for this guy to get chopped up the entire time... that was a waste.

Yea the same thing happened in NJ, it was like that for maybe a month too. I guess people go nuts when a new fast food joint comes to town.

Glad to see my tax dollars put to good use... Now all we need to do is ban out-of-staters from the left lane.

This is what happens when you put cheap chrome wheels on your sports car. Karma is a bitch.

I've always wanted to do this...

Fuck I forgot they're gonna want a cut. My next iPhone better be free because I'm already uncomfortable with the amount of money Apple is making off me.