
holy shit the rest of it is pure sex too. how do I not know about this thing yet??

I am unmade in the face of this awesomeness. UPVOTE OR WHATEVER.

this is not getting nearly enough attention.


saving this gif for future jezebel man-hate

I dunno, I'm pretty excited to see where they take the Koup with the new design language...


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand friended. best parody account ever.


This looks awesome, haters, FIGHT THE BEIGE. Most agressive Lexus I've seen outside the LFA. Thing just looks like it's mad at me.

Shiva bless you for putting this here.

YAY non sexualized female figures!!!

came here to say this, not disappointed.

I actually make something the songs sometimes too. It actually edit something the bad blog.

B) Geordi (as soon as he said warp bubble)

well played 8/10

One question - GOOD LORD WHY. Have we all collectively, as an internet, forgotten how FUCKING AWFUL TWINKIES ARE. They taste like crumbling, dessicated sofa cushion filled with Crisco CAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY FUCKING ARE.

And here you'll find a bunch of folks saying the following.

you do realize you could sell those monstrosities for like $200 a pop.