thomas truthteller

thanks man

No, I think he needed therapy ( and a different career path) BEFORE the trial - he's supposed to be 20 years out of school - so 20 years CAREER lawyer. This is his JOB. What he just woke up and realized he was black? That working for an inner city DAs office you will be prosecuting black criminals?? Too much

I don't get that he's being 'ignored' for being black, but for being a pussy. I think she had it in her head, cut and dried, and to her Furman was just a cop.

I picked up on it - I thought it was moronic, heavy handed. [HEY HEY GET IT GET IT N A Z I…….GET IT]

I think the case was probably lost when they moved it to downtown and away from a REAL jury of his peers….putting the bizarreness of Darden and the show-boat of Cochran and all else to the side.

I thought the episode was bizarre and the most racially biased (by the producers) episode yet.

Schadenfreude is happiness, pleasure.

Sounds very……religious-y….like it's…..a religious sin, like taking the Lord's name in vain (but you're elevating another person to that position)…as though it's 'heresy' the way you put it….stone the harlot, burn the witch…..

I thought it was over the top heavy handed - why not ironing his sheet.