
So...yeah, by all means. Please. Waste whatever precious time you must have on this planet complaining about a sportsball simulation. For reals, playing a simulation of a game that is easily played irl without much requirement is the like the laziest shit. Obviously unless you are disabled, then yeah, your voice is

Pro tip in life. Worship nothing! Especially other humans. If men acted like the men they like to pose as then we would be rectifying this ourselves. Don’t be a dick to women for running out of patience. You decided it was easier to let the boys be boys than to be an adult. One who does better because they know

I think you should trash it and try again. If the learning/difficulty curve is broken then you gotta nail it down. You may have been a little too eager to push the campaign and you’re being punished.

TL;DR of course this is much to do about nothing, which is why we scroll to the substance. 

Tax the fuck outta the rich. And the influencers. And all the comments. Having an opinion is easy and (mostly) free but if you want to add to the digital landfill, pay your dues.

Did we just find our next joker? Only in a perfect world.

I love game pass and Friday is my bday and my gf was going to buy the game for me but not now lol. I actually love game pass for the small titles, yeah big titles like gears 5 is good but outer wilds, slay the spire, and flame in the flood are a few of my favs.

Yeah, let’s all come to the defense of the thing because of our nostalgia for the heroes of our youth is far too strong to come to terms with the McDonald’s style servings of “cinema” that we’ve been receiving from the likes of the now illustrious MCU. A cinematic universe begging to overtake the other holy franchise

Sports games are trash. "Hey let's spend money on game that lets me pretend to be someone who plays a game". And when people got bored, they added "super realistic career mode", just to totally mindfuck kids into believing that any of this is a viable life to aspire to. 

A well placed emp and or better yet, thumb drive and China’s unmanned forces are possibly anyone's unmanned forces? You can only shield so much before it becomes costly or inefficient. Also, there’s no blood shed in fights between drones, no caskets to drape, no sob hero stories to exploit. A war fought with drones is

In the middle of his bullshit routine of newsblaming and failed economic manipulation via verbal abuse, all of those first responders and disaster relief people get their shout-out, and you know it’s authentic because he couldn’t even spare the characters to go any further. He’s a graceful interloper in it for the

Oh, I played that dumpster fire. I own that dumpster fire. Fun with friends, oh wait, no, It’s a friendship destroyer. Siege is ragebait. 

Ill play it when it hits gamepass in December/January or just buy it after launch, preferably on the cheap. Can’t wait tho, should be measurably more entertaining than ALL, if not, every single multiplayer shooter that’s been shoved in our face this year! Counting November release hellspawn, call of dewshy

Trump is the kind of person who orders a small fry and thinks he can complain his way into a large but always fails. Because they know him as "that guy" who does this shit every. Fucking. Day. 

1) Trump claims the media’s coverage of the economy is bad for the economy so he has his shills at fox hype up the economy in hopes to influence the economy. Yeah, that’s about right.

This dude treats the US/World economy like it’s a fucking audio equalizer that he doesn’t quite understand how it works but yaknow, he tweaks it “this way” to hear that bass but now he’s gotta tweak it “that way” because the highs aren’t high enough broh.

Inciting the death penalty as a proposed “deterrent” to those willing to murder innocent people is just the thing to embolden those who encourage and manipulate the people who commit these crimes.

I work a lot so I couldn’t watch the “debates” when everyone else did so I gots my hot takes now.

All the bullshit hype shows on ESPN and NFL network, all the off season countdowns, top 10s, 100s etc. It’s all pretty dribble compared to WYTS.

Their just ahead of the times. It’s like they know their festival is going to be a hit with white people in like 2 years so they’re thinking ahead. In the future, you just pay $40 and you can just take as much black culture as you want. This festival is like the culture vulture humble bundle. Futurism is a bullshit