
In Trump’s murica, president sprays you with LSD.

Oh Ashley, you know that you’re batshit amazing. Keep it up. I miss gawker :(

This is why knowing about the system before you vote to “change” it really matters. People really fell for that whole “70yr old billionaire is totally in sync with my limited understanding of how the world should work”. They don’t have Obama to push around anymore. Maybe 4chan and Reddit go bankrupt??

Awesome, can’t wait. Hopefully they leave the weapons alone. Nothing like getting that hatemail from someone who thinks shotguns should be held to some fabricated law of physics. If I can smash clay pigeons from 50ft then I can wipe that face off of your face from 50ft away.

Nice read. Multiplayer is a brutal mix of chaos and attrition.

In today’s tweet beat, Ashton Kutcher plays the part of every half-assed Facebook post from 5 years ago.

Me and my girlfriend found out that crunch berry turn your poop green. Great bonding experience indeed.

Yeah got alot.

As gamer in general, I’m having a hell of a time justifying the backlash devs get about frame rate. It’s not the game’s fault that you aren’t immersed, it’s your obsession with pre-checked gratification. It’s as if a little rain is going to ruin your whole day?! Immerse yourself. By yourself.

Damn, I was totally going to get both of those games in three years when I buy a pre-owned VR bundle.

1) had to do a double take because I was about to say “oh shit, Fergie hooked up with Johnny Knoxville”

Been reading kotaku for awhile but never asked anything until now. In regards to tell tale games, I would really like to see them do a Mass Effect series. How about you? and what, if any, other titles would you like to see them attempt?

In my opinion, the jury is still out on whether Kelly is a good coach but I’ll be damned if he isn’t good at holding his composure. In this instance at least. I would like to hear them argue in a more candid setting.

Habitual games with gold user here. Both earthlock and AC China were solid time wasters with AC edging out earthlock because earthlock feels so damn familiar, like too familiar. Like it’s basically an amateur game creator’s western clone of Final fantasy. Basic and title screen crashy but does its thing.

Hillary can lie and be sick for the rest of her life and beyond and I’d lose not a minute of sleep. She could send ISIS all the damn emails and I’d laugh for days. Because not even the most heinous act she could think of would make me vote for that idiot Trump.

I love the part when Dilfer asks Collin to do his job as back up and keep his mouth shut. Yeah, nothing wrong with a white guy telling a black guy to keep his mouth shut... probably likes his wife to be seen and not heard.

I went back it on Saturday and really got into the groove of it., tracer,Ana and Mei ALL DAY. Fun game, not going to buy just yet going to wait for a deal or something.

Seems a bit alarmist. These companies might as well copy the auto industry and release new consoles every year. I’ll stick with my old model(like a year old, pfft) and mute every commercial I see because I’m not made of money and I still a lot of places to go. I’m still running my xbone on a 720p 32inch TV lol what

Welcome aboard Ethan! Hungar kept me up last night, thanks to PayPal’s glitch. I was able to sleep after I chugged a can of garlic & herb pasta sauce. Like a champ. Nuka-world will keep me up tonight. It’s planned insomnia.

I saw it on my games ready to install and had to do a double take. Downloaded it and played for about two hours. Sad to say that I wasn’t impressed. There is a tutorial and practice area but not much else to explain what you should be doing. I felt overwhelmed with player choice and underwhelmed when I saw that my