Don’t worry, if anything happens to Trump, they’ll send Dog the(super fucking lame) bounty hunter down there fix it all up, yaknow fix the things. With bear mace
Don’t worry, if anything happens to Trump, they’ll send Dog the(super fucking lame) bounty hunter down there fix it all up, yaknow fix the things. With bear mace
Thanks for posting this. Truly one of my favorite games. I have to complete a play through at least once every five years. I have played almost every character to their ending. Even new game plus+, that fast forward feature is amazing. I remember printing the entire beastiary in my elementary school library and…
I’m right there with you Tom. These guys are soo tight, so ripped, so damn compact there there’s no way to bend without breaking. Nowhere to give or squish. No more BBRBs
In order of most time mentally allocated.
You have to be a real slimy piece of shit to apologize for the actions of the hackers. Anyone, ANYONE who participates in any or all forms of victim blaming in this case might as well fuck off and die. If your deal is to argue semantics or the minutiae of this case then your blaming the victim and yes, you suck at…
Been working in the aircraft industry for over ten years. There are layoffs all the time and there are often rehiring of the very same people who were laid off. It’s sounds kinda nuts but that’s how the industry rolls. People see these layoffs and automatically assume that it’s outsourcing, psh posh. In fact, there is…
Beyonce jumps and whole fucking milky way galaxy better gasp.
I feel like I’ve been kind of lied to. I understand how in-fucking-sane this guy is/was but...were there other instances of his terrible porn obsession? Because I hear porn obsession, I envision something a bit more graphic than looking at magazines. No question that what came after was brutal and horrible but...a…
Why do some asshole celebs think it’s chill to tweet every bullshit privileged half-thought that comes to their mind. Like, did you honestly think that water would remain clean after its been used to clean your garbage shoe filth that you tracked in from outside? You can just smell the lack of domesticity coming off…
I remember waking up and seeing my mother curled up on the floor sobbing over the death of princess Diana. She then schooled me on how important this was and how amazing Diana was. I also remember Sonny Bono’s ski accident and JFK’s son dying in a plane crash but I’m sure(to lazy to Google)that both of those events…
I must be missing something fundamental here because all I see is an accident in the most classical sense. Someone made a mistake, it cost a life in this case. Are these bicycles automated? This seems a bit over analyzed for me but I concede my argument if there is any hidden technicalities I’m not privy to in regards…
People are so goddamn on edge. TSA and airport police are more concerned with trying to a hero than being professional. Hate me and be absolutely paranoid but I know that robots could do their job and with the right amount of developmental research, do it with little error and more compassion.
I just docked at Far Harbor last night. I have plans to relieve them of every piece of aluminum on that island and enjoy the peaceful fog while I’m at it. Sprinkle in some world of tanks, GoW:UA and smidge of Pocket Morty’s.
I have to shit all over this post. A century from now people will say “I can’t believe they wasted all that water for.... kudos?”. Thank all of you conscious people trying to save the poor cows but also, fuck all of you for spurring an industry deeply dependant on water, you pompous fucks. Like, what are you REALLY…
He’s really going hard for the brodawg votes. Any, if not all three of these individuals must be cringing about this. This is exactly the kind of thing that is bad for your brand. Who’s next, some kind of token Greg Hardy?
Let’s stop acting some new Elvis Presley types are going to put black music outta business. This southern drawl shit is an exploitation of the south as a whole, we live in a society that can’t get enough “new”, just look at Beyonce talking about boppers and woez like she’s just outta high school. It always pisses me…
Anyone claiming that a game or movie or subculture “is my life” has so many things wrong with them and their perception of reality that I assuredly doubt their ability to actually do the work. Fuck them and their funky old bullshit Reddit page. And for a game delay? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Is it wrong of me to cringe every time I hear or read about a gaming dev promising or guaranteeing anything? Good luck with that, buddy. Don’t ever promise a child a trip to Disneyland and never ever promise gamers anything, ever.
For the past 5 months I have been using the Shell gas rewards card to reduce my price at the pump, up to 30 cents per gallon. I stop at the same station every night on the way home and usually only spend less than $3 but rack up 3 cents every time I use the loyalty card. I’ll wait til I have close to 30 cents off the…
Reese’s of all kinds are to be cherished and consumed with great fury.