Thomas Siebert

Thank you. After finishing Cowboy Bebop, I read around online and settled on Trigun as the most likely next good anime show to watch. It was a crushing disappointment. I then moved on to Samurai Champloo, which is pretty great.

His hair is green.

Yeah, "slightly mysterious" death? It's full-blown mysterious!

"There are no coincidences."

And just in time for the two big political conventions, too!

This is how far you have to go down to get to another thread than the first one which only talks about the tech's use at concerts, completely dismissing the fascist totalitarian use of this new wrinkle.

I saw "Skyfall" in both wide screen and IMAX versions, and the latter was no improvement and didn't look as good in IMAX as the Batman movies or the last two M:I flicks either.
Moviegoers: Do not reward Hollywood for giving you a second rate experience. Only see 3D movies that were SHOT in 3D. Only got to IMAX movies