

One weekend at a tournament isn’t going to hurt his schooling.

You’re forgetting Jazreth the Sorcerer and Moreina the Rogue, AKA the Summoner and Blood Raven in Diablo 2 (both of them were corrupted as well).

Here is the #1 tip. MOBAs are about O B J E C T I V E S. You do not win a game by getting the best k/d ratio. It is I R R E L E V A N T.

Just play any expansion you want on a private server. It’s a blast! I just played my first private server last week (the burning crusade) and I haven’t stopped since! It feels good to be home.

I think we all have to buy RE:0 if we want any chance of an RE:2 remake.

Indeed. They better stay with semi-CG looking graphics instead of god-awful heart rendering 3D shitty polygon graphics, at least in their hands.

Yep. The best Resident Evils took place in Raccoon City. Or the outskirts, as was the case with the first one. There just something about that town, and the way they captured it in those prerendered backgrounds.

That doesn’t really apply here.

One day, in Greenland, Cap found the perfect axe. That was the day he became... AXE CAP!!

I think different regions had different voice acting, the U.K. one *was* fantastic! Seem to fit the characters and Dragon Quest itself perfectly.

Who knows if this will ever come to the West.

Was that the Piggyback guide?

The Second Story was one of those games that was just perfect for the time. I never really got into any thing beyond it. 3 was incomprehensible at points and the plot didn’t hold me and I never played 4 after watching some of the stuff that passed for dialogue interaction.

Depending on your choices a sixth ranger can join your team.

There is a story line yes. It’s kind of unfortunate you can’t customize the character but once you realize that the character is called Tammy as a reference to the most famous of all the Power Rangers, you know why.

So glad I backed this. I wasn’t sure what to expect from it in the end, but it had me at the Japanese theme song on the title screen. XD

Good god. I had forgotten how awful, how truly terrible the dialogue is in that comic. That man, he really really really struggles with women - they’re either prostitutes or ready to be nothing if their man is there. Aghh.

“...threw me to the ground, and took me as his rightful prize...”