
Compared to the Hollywood version of Dragon Ball, it’s fine.

I think if the Japanese players already knew what 4th gear was, we’d know it by now.

...Pirate Warriors 3, like the first game, follows the plot of the manga—starting at Luffy’s first adventure and moving all the way up to the current Dressrosa arc.

Having characters unlocked from the get-go for not tournament gamer’s is a bore. I myself get burned out of fighters quickly when everything is unlocked.

I love Mortal Kombat X and the franchise as a whole. This game plays great, but one thing I wish they would have done with MKX is to unlock fighters as you progress into the story or in some other ways. Not a fan of having every character unlocked from the beginning. Well.. except for one.. But, hey that’s just me I

When straight characters express love/sexuality, it’s normal! When gay characters express love/sexuality, it’s pandering!

If that’s how you choose to view it.

Nice to see some diversity in games. I’m sure some people will complain about SJW but who cares, we need more characters beyond the mid 30’s white guy or busty white chick.

There should be encouragement for people to group up outside of group-required situations, and for powerful players to interact with and help out the lower levels without trivializing or power-levelling.

Frankly I’ve been waiting for this since early Cataclysm. Considering everything old was new again, it would have been a great time for them to have made that feature back in the day.

UBRS comes to mind as well

How is it useless and why would it mark the end of a 10 year old game which recently saw a massive increase of subscribers?

It would be amazing if Timewalker mode was actually the original versions of the dungeons and not the nerfed to the grounds version that exist now.
Original shattered halls and Arcatraz were insnaely hard, but at the end of TBC they were nerfed to the ground and made an absolute joke.
Would rather have Shadow Labs tho

Add some Stratholme and Dire Maul in there too. Those were real challenges back in the day with scrub gear.

I think there are.
West, North, East, South, Grand Line First Half, Grand Line New World, and supposedly Old Blue.

Indeed. That is Nagisa. He doesn’t quite match up, does he?

You can pretend it’s the same, but it’s not. There are no Orlans in real life, whereas there are millions of trans women.

Apologies, bro, but, as a man, and, if the internet is to be believed, a BIG, STRONG MAN with powerful muscles and the spark of desire in every woman’s eye, I don’t feel at all threatened by Erika’s request.

The joke was off-kilter. I wouldn’t want someone telling it to my gay friends, and it’s extremely out of place

Oh wah. If you tell offensive jokes to millions of people, grow a thicker skin for when someone gets offended and yells at you.

It’s all good. I kind of figure that was the case. Though you won’t ever find a better moment with the two of them than this one. It also is F&F 6 but it is defiantly the highlight between those two characters! :)