One time on a CarnivalX cruise, I may have bought and drank two bottles of wine at home, filled them with bourbon, re-corked them, and put on new capsules. Two 750ml bottles of bourbon goes way father than two bottles of wine.
One time on a CarnivalX cruise, I may have bought and drank two bottles of wine at home, filled them with bourbon, re-corked them, and put on new capsules. Two 750ml bottles of bourbon goes way father than two bottles of wine.
Great tip, except I disagree with dumping the ice. Keep the ice and dump the water. It’s the change from ice to water that absorbs the heat. So as long as it’s still solid, it can accept a lot of energy to keep things cool.
You are exactly CORRECT! While this “asian mom” method may work when feeding a *family*, where you are probably going to be making a fairly normal sized batch, mathematically it is an epic fail! Example: If you only add enough rice to cover the bottom of the pot (only one or two grains deep) and use this method you…
That the water seeps through the rice resting at the bottom of the pan, so it’s not just the same amount of water sitting on top—it fills whatever you’re cooking it in.
I loathe these kinds of kitchen “tips.” For me it’s right there with the “touch your face” test for measuring how done a steak is. Just go to the dollar store and buy a measuring cup.
Another way is to just drag it to the left onto the arrow (it’ll appear as you drag if you don’t already have it). I did it and Windows hid the icon and changed it to “only show notifications.”
The reason it can do this is based on mathematical calculations, specifically eigenvalues. As one ages, the proportional distance between one’s facial features remains constant. Therefore, if there is a baseline measurement (infant photo), the eigenvalues of matrices created by the distances in particular faces should…
Apps is short for applications. It’s all software, whether it’s on a phone or a PC or whatever. Multiple programs can run within applications. A program is just a set of instructions to complete a task and an application allows a user to access and control those programs. So I get where your frustration comes from,…
I know it is pretty crazy (crazy awesome)! Even with blurry pictures or even a side shot. It has my 4mo pictures just to the day she was born. I think it’s pretty crazy that it is able to tell the difference between my three daughters even when they were babies.
Updated the article with this, but try invite code LFHCKR - that should work for you. :)
5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 3125
I'm disappointed that Rush, Dream Theater, or Yes didn't make the list of "you like" or "you don't know" after starting with that list of favorites. Although, the system did seem to struggle with my list of favorites being Rush, Iron Maiden, and Metallica.
We keep some on hand for quick snacks/ my girlfriend is Asian and she loves them. I rarely eat them, though sometimes I'll have a Cup-O-Noodles mostly for the nostalgia factor...I remember eating them after being out playing in the snow when I was younger.
I worked in the produce industry for 7 years, and I can concur. Anything with the word 'organic' on the box is absolutely not worth the money, and is nothing more than marketing jargon.
But, but, what about toxins? And the evil GMOs? And even worse, what if your non organics contain DNA? Don you not care if you put DNA in your body?
I tend to have the opposite problem — once gave a couple bucks to one lousy charity and now I get address labels in mail several times per year. And I haven't donated to any of those charities (including the original one) in nearly a DECADE.
Oh, this is gonna be so awesome when it hits Facebook, and all the gullibles start sharing the hell out of it...."CNN SAYS WORLD WILL END! LET'S HIT A MILLION SHARES BEFORE IT DOES!"
Couple questions for you, I find the definition of religion from wikipedia interesting and that you apply it to Atheism:
Do you think a political party, then, is a religion?
Can you provide an example of each of the following collections that Atheism holds amonst its members: beliefs , cultural systems, world views.
That phrasing is intended as an analytic identifier, not a claim about atheism itself. The idea, of course, being that even stating outright a disbelief in a deity was treated about the same as expressing a belief in a particular one. It's a notable inclusion particularly because it supports the secularization theory…