
Remember when the Sixers traded Iguodala and multiple draft picks for Andrew Bynum, yet Sam Hinkie was criticized because he had the job of cleaning up that disastrous trade?

Hi, that was me.

He also shot 38% from the field in that series.

I made the comment last week when someone wondered how the Warriors were going to defend Anthony Davis:

Bryan Erickson, director of AM programming for iHeartMedia Houston, didn’t respond for comment.

The movie was fun and I enjoyed it, but, yeah... It continues the Marvel tradition of not really earning any of its feels but telling you it did. Like suddenly we’re just supposed to accept hat Thanos—who was nothing but a sociopathic warlord throughout the MCU—is a thoughtful dude with a soft-spot for Gamora for no

I have a feeling that this will be the most inconsequential move of them all.

Nah, dying and resurrection are just part of the fabric of comic book stories. They’re big events, sure, but not huge—basically the equivalent of a Wrestlemania championship. You can feel shocked, but things can always come around again.

Do you want a DC Universe, because THAT’S HOW YOU GET A DC UNIVERSE!

I saw my job get crushed by aliens in that movie!

Christ. This reads like a college junior’s introduction to a bar. Ginger Beer is no less a basic ingredient than Coca-Cola. If you have a spirit and you mix it with one mixer, you have yourself a basic cocktail. Maker’s Mark and ginger beer is pretty basic. This is no different than a Jack and Coke. If a bloody mary

Oh this is more well-done than a Trump steak.

ok, but the original green ranger was the man.

It’s as if Daft Punk fucked the Village People

Every 90's kid with a good childhood reading this article like:

Starting Point Guard.

Go *checks notes* Jumbos! (Apparently)

You’re getting hustled. Get on the court and these three floor slapping gym rats will fucking kill you.

needs more stars!