ThomasMüller ugly af

Yeah but other sports have commercials.

Now playing

Ha. I was thinking about that scene too. Dirk has the dorkiest three point celebrations and I love it.

That Brady “tackle”

Ludacris had sex with his girl in the Georgia Dome on the 50 yard line where the Dirty Birds kick for 3, which is easily more important than anything that has ever happened at Lambeau Field.

I don’t know but my Uncle Rick used to say they had an extra bone in their ankles. Of course he was usually drunk and wasn’t allowed to be around children unsupervised.

Now playing

A nobody, an often-criticized afterthought on a team consisting of the game’s biggest star, injured early on and confined to the sidelines, some exciting young talent and some old dogs playing above their diminished skill level all led by an engineer-turned-journeyman manager, scores a ridiculous goal against the home

ill say what i said to liberal friends post election:

I laughed, I cried, I renounced my citizenship.

Eat a bag of dicks.

Bielsa is the perfect white unicorn for people who consider themselves ‘tactics nerds’ because they read the opening graf of Jonathan Wilson columns and say ‘pressing’ a lot.


It’s deliberate. It makes people hate the attorney rather than the client, win for the client. Frankly walking the line defense work is hard sometimes, I’ve had friends have to cross examine teenage alleged rape victims. These men and women are good people but they do it and deal with the emotional toll upon

Another week, another article of Billy writing bullshit about a league he knows nothing about. Never change Change immediately Billy.

I mean, it’s kind of striking how the folks that advocate the same silliness that Billy does -- pro/rel, uncapped spending, etc. -- are small time nobodies running dysfunctional clubs and leagues. Yet the people who actually succeed in American soccer (and who often come from great success in other American sports)

They should have given the rest of the team a paid leave to think about it and obviously they’d need a break from her.

I’m not on Jezebel, right? Good, okay. Fuck that woman. That’s all I have to say.

So I click the play button on the embedded video and it opens up the NFL Twitter page with this tweet.

Well, looks like it’s time to reset the “Days Since We Shit on the MLS” incident counter.