@Kirkaiya: yeesh...people still use POP3?
@Kirkaiya: yeesh...people still use POP3?
perfect music choice.
@Mike43110: You are obviously confused, so I'll make this easy. Taxes are paid by the people. Taxes support firemen. Therefore, firemen are paid by the people.
@ho0lee0h: Shit...I'd say more. 75/mo is 900/year. Since an older house is more likely to catch fire, charge them back dues from the date the house was built :p
@Mike43110: then who do you suppose should pay them?
@vinod1978: absolutely agreed.
@nolabar10der: right there with you! Ever had jack in the box tacos? They're foul, but cheap. When I'm drunk, I can drop $6 on a bunch of those things and not think twice, as long as they give me a ton of hot sauce.
@Rayonic: by those criteria, most of the things in grocery store aisles shouldn't be eaten. In order to test if something increases your chance of cancer, for instance, you have to test it for years. FDA approval does not mean it is "scientifically proven to be safe." It means that it is "probably not going to kill…
@gpzbc: What I'm saying is that it is silly to make them so large - for instance, I have a monitor that is 1680x1050. If I have a portrait of someone that is XXXXx2380, it is going to be way too big to actually view on my monitor at full size. Essentially, everything above 900 pixels high is a waste of space.
what is the point of putting a picture twice the size of someone's monitor on Facebook? I wouldn't be surprised if half the people that view facebook do it from IE5 at 800x600.
@Ashaleeeee: that would require you to leave your computer(s) on and connected with ports open anytime you would need to access them.
@SQLGuru: well, I definitely agree that I haven't found the perfect sync, and I'd assume it hasn't been made.
@Weakskills: wunderground has an iOS app called "who is hot"
@SQLGuru: I totally agree...except I have made everything way more complicated by having a media PC, desktop, laptop, netbook, and servers.
I was going to say something snarky about the death of the desktop, but these are Canadian stats...so...whatever.
@geekymitch: yeah, imagine stealing that thing, pedaling your ass off, when the seat pounds your bollocks out of nowhere.
@geekymitch: While I have never used the drug in question, from what I remember of your commercials (and my pill dictionary), Viagra is diamond-shaped. In the trailer, he holds up a capsule, so it is definitely not Viagra.
@splash8204: I'd be more worried about someone taking the gold AFTER you get it out of the machine.
@amolad: he may be dead, but someone is making money.
@amolad: who you trust doesn't really factor in - if there is no way to reproduce his experiments (if he did experiments at all), then it is all bogus.