
Wish I had the video, but at my UNI on November 8th, there were borderline riots outside the freshman dorms. Everyone was shouting “fuck trump” but one IDIOT thought it was a good idea to rip his shirt off, put on an american flag bandana and stand in the middle of the crowd and shout in his HEAVY southern accent

My late grandparents survived the Holocaust, so the fact that stories like this are still happening today is surreal if not entirely surprising. But I must admit I find the handwringing over whether or not it’s OK to punch Nazis to be kinda sickening. Dude believes that all non-whites should be removed from America in

Man that dude in the hoodie really fucked up. Such a stupid fucking action.

This fucking stain on humanity should not be able to leave his house without getting punched in the fucking face.

No matter how you approach it, an Uncharted movie is wholly and completely unnecessary. Naughty Dog already made four brilliant movies, they just happen to feature some interactive sequences.

That said, Carnahan is a legitimately talented guy, and good on Sony for hiring someone that can bring something genuinely

Seemed more like her boyfriend was laughing that people would expect things differently and not at the plight of black people in his hometown area.

Specifically, it’s good that she’s suing.

Those people sincerely do not give a shit about someone using the words “n****r” or “c*nt” because they use those words themselves quite regularly.

Completely right as a matter of fact. I saw some interviews the day of the election. One person was asked why she voted for Trompas, and the only thing she could come up with is that he talks like “the people she knows.” Her only excuse was because he was crass and pandering to the lowest common denominator.

He’s not wrong. The people who are willing to look past Trump bragging about committing sexual assault because he promised them that The Steel Mill Will Reopen! weren’t going to be dissuaded by him saying “n****r”—in part because so many of them use the word themselves.

He’s sadly correct. Would not have changed a damn thing.

“I don’t think so…I think they would have liked him more, the people. For being politically incorrect.”

I can’t decide which is worse. The President-Elect’s family thinking that their son MAYBE having autism is worthy of a defamation lawsuit, or the President-Elect’s family using intimidation tactics against an autistic teenager who was trying to convince people to leave their son’s behavior alone.

It’s what the Trumps do. Threaten to sue and since most people don’t have the resources to take on Trump and his team of lawyers they just kowtow to him.

I kind of read the exact opposite from this statement. It feels like Alexis’s brother was being very careful in his use of language and was very respectful of Alexis’s preferences/wishes.

I’d rather color you the color of FALSE EQUIVALENCY.

Easily the most erotic of the Ernest movie series.

You know no one is forcing you to read it, right? Unless someone IS forcing you to read it. In which case, blink twice.

“When I’m in command, every mission’s a suicide mission!”