Squidly ??

Thomas, don't get sassy with me now.

I left a comment yesterday, totally innocuous comment about you needing a spanking or somethings to that effect. This harmless comment was deleted. Is the irony lost on you? I'll repeat myself…Is the irony lost on you? You throw the words like "fascist" around as a pronoun for anyone who disagrees with you but you

First of all, may I ask you to stop with the cutesy, demeaning salutations? It's not very respectful. I do not disrespect grown men over the internet, it's disingenuous. I save that talk for when I am looking a man in his eye. It allows him the opportunity to respond how he sees appropriate. Much obliged kantsmasher.

You and your views are irrelevant to me. I don't care what you do as long as you decimate the left and don't burn my country to the ground. That would be a huge improvement over what I was expecting 3 months ago.

If you don't adapt, you will drive yourself insane with misery. You really have to learn how to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. It will empower you. You cannot blame Republicans or the White man or George Bush personally for every failed endeavor. Every action you take leads you to somewhere.

I didn't mention that guy in the video. He is, for all intents… irrelevant. I said Trump and his supporters were not NAZIs and I said there were no roving bands of……..etc. You didn't bother to dispute anything I said, you simply made up an argument in your head and argued against it. You're talking to yourself.

Lol. I have those same issues about Trump. I know exactly what he is and nobody is falling for anything. I have a firm grasp on reality. You apparently do not. This wasn't/isn't about Trump. This is about you and your left leaning partisans. It is your fault that Trump is in the WH. For 8 years you shoved your

What a bunch of fuсking drama queen cry babies the left is. Trump and his supporters are not NAZIs, there are no roving bands of White Supremacists parading down the streets of America, beating and robbing innocent folks. Ironically, there have been roves of liberals doing exactly that. It's obnoxious and arrogant to