Thomas Jordan Dempsey

Been a while, but to my recollection, the only big mark against The Mummy, from a formal standpoint, was the superfluous V.O. in that introductory flashback. That sequence actually manages to convey the villain's backstory quite gracefully through its visuals alone, and said events are made explicit later anyway when

Oh how I would have loved to see Hertzfeldt in that H spot, even as a runner up. Still pretty sweet that Tourneur got the nod for T.

No, the full version was released in 2012. AV Club even included it in their top films of that year.

Given the relatively loose parameters time-wise, I would have expected to see It's Such A Beautiful Day make the list. The culmination of 7 years and 3 shorts, Hertzfeldt's film was dubbed here and elsewhere as one of the best animated films in recent memory, and it affected me just as much as any of the films on this

*Starts throwing beanbags*

I too got to see The Flaming Lips a couple years back as the opening act for The Black Keys. Both bands were great, but FL were on a whole other level; their live set was everything I'd heard it'd be. Of course, there was some grumbling from those who'd come for the headliner, and again, the Black Keys were in fine

I've always been more receptive of Andy Falkous's post Mclusky output; Travels with Myself and Another came out around the same time I discovered Do Dallas and while that earlier album got overshadowed at the time, I keep coming back to it around the holidays.

It seems like one volume a year of Yotsuba&! would be too long to wait, but given the leisurely nature of the stories, I imagine there's a method to Kiyohiko Azuma's pace of production.

I can only assume it's through a coordinated act of willful and malicious ignorance that absolutely no one is talking about Big Black Delta, with "Side of the Road" the obvious hit single it by every right should have been.

That Anamanaguchi album really came out of nowhere; I was surprised to find it was the groups first full-length LP (not including the S.P. soundtrack).

I haven't been thinking about this one subject exactly, but it does inform a certain internal struggle I've been having lately: specifically, my love of the latest Gogol Bordello album, Pura Vida Conspiracy, and my disillusionment over front-man Eugene Hutz's apparent negligence regarding the band's business acumen. I

I liked Mother, but I was still a little underwhelmed by it. For all its supposed faults (why does a movie feeling slow have to be a bad thing, especially when it's so enjoyable), The Host is one of my personal favorite films, and Memories of Murder is pretty much a perfect movie. After all that, perhaps I just wasn't

I liked Mother, but I was still a little underwhelmed by it. For all its supposed faults (why does a movie feeling slow have to be a bad thing, especially when it's so enjoyable), The Host is one of my personal favorite films, and Memories of Murder is pretty much a perfect movie. After all that, perhaps I just wasn't

Why would you need to pause it? It was the last line of the episode.

I seriously get hung up on the grades more than I should, especially when I get numerical with it (A = 10, A- = 9, B+ = 8, etc.).

When you consider how consistently he plays up the meta aspect of all his daily interactions, it only makes sense that after a while he'd resort to more over the top reactions, like with the screaming. I know that I've acted out plenty of times when I'm alone, and that after a while it just makes it harder to separate

With rare exception, I consider tags to be non-canon. Consider the Mixology tag, as goofy a gag as the shows ever done, right on the heels of one of the most famous emotional conclusions. Take 'em with a grain of salt, is what I'm saying.

At the final episode, everyone will give themselves a "Winger" speech, Jeff will be all, "You don't need me anymore," put on his aviator sunglasses and ride off into the sunset.

Then you'd just have an infinity loop of self-loathing and disagreement.

Comments like that make me sad.