Wow, I need two factor authentication for an effing thermostat! That’s much better and way easier than just using a dumb thermostat that has no internet connectivity!
Wow, I need two factor authentication for an effing thermostat! That’s much better and way easier than just using a dumb thermostat that has no internet connectivity!
Or just kill you
The U.S.A., or our “tiny little country”, is the 3rd most populated country in the world out of the 233 countries recognized by the U.N.
Movies wouldn’t exist if Hollywood execs didn’t care about making money.
What is a non binary trans woman? Some type of cyborg? I’m confused.
Millennials suck at life in general. They want everything for free, want to work part time hours for full time pay, are really whiny 😫😫😫, and think owning a $900 iPhone is a birth right.
Yeah this site sucks now
Blah blah blah Donald Trump. Blah blah blah bleckka ba rabble rabble Trump bad blah bleckity blah.
No, I’m slightly Republican and you said fuck Republicans. You said it first so I was just saying fuck you back at ya!
Fuck you pussy
I was joking, I didn’t think it looked swollen at all.
No headphone jack AND they explode. Winning combination morons.
Because you can easily see the battery in the pictures to tell it’s swollen.
Man it would take a lot of fried Western Ghat legs to fill me up.
According to that Turton guy that writes for you we should all avoid Amazon because it treats its employees like shit.
According to that Turton guy that writes for you we should all avoid Amazon because it treats its employees like…
The H2 is an abomination but the wheels can go off-road. Are you just making stuff up?
No matter how ugly he is it’s what on the inside that counts. People need to stop judging THIS book by its cover.
How is this a viable company if it can’t operate at a profit?
“Feamongering”, you must be from Massachusetts!