Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

Las Vegas Raiders- Commitment to Sexcellence.

Damn you’re right.

My lasting memory of the old Hardee’s is they had this damn “Pound Puppy” promotion that became insanely popular and, because my sister collected them, I remember waiting in the drive thru for 2 hours the night her favorite one in the series was going to be released because they would sell out within minutes.

One of Chris Rock’s best lines was when he couldn’t believe that Marion Barry got reelected mayor of Washington D.C. despite using crack.

I’m Sidney Ponson, yes I’m the real Ponson
All you other Sidney Ponsons are full of nonson
So won’t the real Sidney Ponson, please tweet Curt,
Please tweet Curt,
Please tweet Curt

I vaguely remember it. I think it was on USA or something and it was a total 3rd rate production that just used mostly recycled clips of the helicopter spliced with shots of the new cast.

I’ve always there’s great job security and then there’s broadcaster level job security.


For a couple of years maybe. But this was always about the new stadium. Once he moves there he’ll make money regardless just off corporate luxury boxes alone.

The problem is the team really can’t fail by the expectations Spanos has

That’s not true.

+1 Banshee like howl.

Except it’s got a shitload of nuclear powered aircraft carriers ready in case anyone tries to take away the Padres.

Including all the weapons?

I just read a piece of trivia I didn’t know. The guy who designed Airwolf, Andrew Probert, was also the guy who did the redesign of the USS Enterprise for the first ST film.

I remember reading years ago that a museum was building a replica and then it went belly up. Always wondered what happened to I know.

I think this could be a great flipping opportunity.

Blue Thunder was originally a mid 80's film starring Roy Schieder that dealt with the concept of the government using a situation, in this case the 1984 LA Olympics, under the guise of public safety to create a super sophisticated helicopter it would then use as a tool for its own ends including spying on civilians

If The A-Team were these highly wanted fugitives that were being hunted by the military, then why were they always driving through LA in broad daylight in an easily identifiable GMC custom van?

I know I’m in the minority but I always liked Blue Thunder better. I just thought it looked meaner while Airwolf was just a modified corporate chopper.