Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

That’s nonsense. I’m in my mid 40's shampoo every other day and have a head of hair that would make Pat Riley jealous with zero trace of even a receding hairline.

And that’s when Detroit, fresh off hosting the Super Bowl, came up and knocked SF right on its fucking ass and assumed its rightful place in the discussion of world’s greatest cities.

Super rich people?

How is Jerry Jones not winning this in a landslide?

That’s not surprising.

The Tea Party, Sarah Palin, Scott Walker, Rick Scott, Rick Snyder, Paul LePage, the other dozens of Republican governors and state legislatures.’s actually been hundreds of pulls, but you get the picture.

Oh well in that case........Fuck you anyway.

I feel like the past 10 years I’ve been trying to convince someone who put 1 bullet in his revolver that pointing it at his head and pulling the trigger is a horrible idea

You forgot to mention the little caveat that when we have so see and hear him non stop for the next four years he going to be THE FUCKING PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED FUCKING STATES.....FUCK!!!!

Or a game show called “Who wants to be a Centaur?”

Well that one is true.

Fuckin ‘A

Yeah but even if she doesn’t die it’s likely one of the older conservative justices will retire, and be replaced with a young one, if it looks like Trump may lose in 2020.

That’s not sperm BTW. It’s “freedom juice”

They’ll split. The Redskins will be allowed to keep the name, and conservatives will rejoice and hail it as a victory for free speech, as well as a strong message to those PC elites who get offended when “Good Christian Middle America Working Folk”(tm) use their salt of the earth language to call people “niggers”,

Cool. Thanks.

Give the man a break. He’s been under a lot of pressure lately.

I hope the Pats aren’t deflated by this news and will still be pumped up for the game against the Steelers.

I have fucking had it with the baseball writers getting to vote on the HOF.

Thank God for the Irish or we would have never had seen such amazing players like Tracy McGrady or Shaquille O’Neal.