Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

Clearly you’ve been watching the wrong kind of basketball if you believe that

Good to see the Cavs making a move to up the team’s grittiness factor.

Why do you hate Protecting The Shield?

Jerry Jones issued a statement that as long as the suspension was for drugs, and not for almost killing a woman with your bare hands, he has no problem with the league’s decision.

This could actually be a pretty brilliant strategy.

Give me a break. Any player like Elliot or Mixon knows you avoid that kind of injury be keeping your pimp hand strong.

He can certainly knock out those tough yards.

General Managers across the league are already raving about his power and quickness.

I used to laugh my ass off at those people who claimed that “The South shall rise again.”

Counterpoint: Papa John’s is some of the worst fucking pizza on the face of the planet and no sports star in his right mind should endorse it with as much enthusiasm as Manning does.

Here’s a hammer, because you nailed it!

Wow so you were one of the 5000 people who showed up on average to the Garden when the Celtics were winning 11 titles in 13 years.

Yeah thank God Kyrie Irving had that one whole season under the guidance of Matt Kruzolwski or else he would have been a total bust in the NBA.

When you write a post trying to be snarky saying “Yeah, if Boston fans are so racist then why do they worship Isiah Thomas?” Then you should probably know for sure you’re talking about the right one and not the one who was an arch enemy of the club in the 1980's.

Kim Davis believes so strongly in marriage being the cornerstone of a successful society, she’s done it 4 times.

I love how he says bigotry in the 1960's was especially prevalent in the so called liberal states of the NE United States.

It would also help if blacks stopped being such a bunch of self centered show offs with their athletic abilities and would learn how to play in an intelligent and team oriented way with grit and hustle, like guys like Brett Favre, John Stockton, Cal Ripken Jr. and countless Duke basketball players from the last 25

They had plenty of warning.

That was also pathetic, especially because Vitale always called him “The General: Robert Montgomery Knight”

Calipari had a good quote how he was constantly raked over the coals by the media because of his one and done recruiting.