Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

Irsay really needs help. He should know that no person can handle pounding down bottles of Colt 45 first thing in the morning. Except for Billy Dee Williams of course.

It’s not just limited to head coaches.

You’re right. Sometimes we get so focused on the details we forget about the fun aspect in all of this.

I am praying for Pagano to get the boot and Jim Harbaugh takes over. The suicide rate in Michigan will go up something like 10,000%

I never thought of that.

Not true.

I think the WS format should be 2-2-1-1 and, if it goes to a game 7, it has to be played on the worst public baseball field, in the most dangerous area of whatever city has the highest murder rate for that current year.

It was all tongue in cheek.

Charlie Weis nods in agreement.

What punishment?!?!?!

Damn that 5th amendment.

Actually I’m disappointed he died so soon after the shit hit the fan.

I have to ask the obvious......

I guess now we know who the next team to demand a replacement for their 20 year old arena/stadium is going to be.

I admitted my mistake there. I only saw the highlights of that game with the sound down and it looked like it was at the end of the game.

But the justices he gets to appoint to the SCOTUS are going to make sure the screwing of America continues long after he’s left office.

Then I’d guess 286 and totally fuck you over unless you were exactly right.

I wouldn’t get too secure about your Union job.

Yeah I do.

I actually respect you immensely for having that attitude.