
search results are still top of the line, but I've turned to the encrypted SSL version - it's pretty much stripped of all the annoyances of regular google (like preview).

Anybody know of a way to easily import texts? Entering the 200 odd texts from phraseexpress by hand doesn't appeal to me :)

@marky373: yup - used this method for making lamps and things. Works a charm.

Closed for registration again :(

64 bit WinXP Pro. Been running for ages - never had any problems arising from 64bit... only regular windows problems :)

So basically it's a paper holder, turned upside down, for holding paper?

Oh come on. April's Fool's still a few days off, isn't it?

I'm obviously missing something here... we're talking about saving a given website's favicon, right?

Now I'm not saying that tips on how to glue things on to card board, won't vastly improve my productivity...

Here's a bid for most deficient post on Lifehacker. It's pointless, obvious, and probably the result of sleep deprivation or inbreeding. Obviously, a gem.

I regularly use a mix of a handful of programs to convert pdfs, and this app really isn't that good.

I'll give this a spin - if all else fails, I can always fall back on my trusted old Lupas Rename 2000.

Anything that has Norton in the title. When things need extensive registry hacks to make them go away, you've messed up.

Notepad++ is especially great for web coding - built in file Explorer in the left pane, code in the middle, and built in ftp upload in the right pane makes for a great work flow.

How about Ctrl+U for getting the source code and stealing that marvellous bit of webdesign you just spotted?

Some advice: read the manual...

OMG! Pens rule. I've also heard that if you wriggle the pointy end about on the Christmas card, it will make letters and shapes, almost like a real time laser printer.

Sounds wonderful - has anybody tried the thing?

Just a tiny adjustment to Lars K Jensen's Danish version (mighty fine work BTW).

Hi LH!