Tom Gierach

Redo X-Men Origins: Wolverine and just expand the title sequence into a full film.

Just put white people in it and film it in the desert areas of the west USA. Muhammad's face would have to blurred out the whole time.

I wonder if Jim Caviezal can survive any more lightning strikes.

As a former Catholic, I can attest to how moving The Passion of the Christ was when it first came out. All of those other future religious movies seemed disingenuine compared to Gibson's film. As I remember it, it did have a couple of cool interpretations to the story and its production values were very good.

Didn't Seinfeld plug this movie on 30 Rock? That was so odd.

While he got ripped for the role, Damon looks like a drug addict here as well.

Disney Execs: There weren't enough jokes in Episode VII. Han Solo and Kylo Ren should have been doing some sarcastic one-liners when they were on that bridge. Also, the part when Rey has Kylo Ren almost killed, she could have said, "How's this for a wise-crack?" calling back to where Han and Kylo were doing one-liners

Will the whole good behavior condition apply to this kid too? So, he'll really be out in like 2-3 months? T_T

In the last photo on the bottom right, she looks like Conan O'Brien.

I haven't seen the film, even though I am a fan of the series, due to the mixed reviews and the lackluster trailers. But if I was only exposed to that image, I'd be compelled to see it. It's a great image. It's one of the main heroes of the series about to die. I'd want to know how she gets out of it.

He shaved his beard for Testament of Youth. Also, I must note his look sort of reminds me of Brandon Lee from The Crow.

How are you going to play guitar now? Guess you'll have to commit suicide.

I just couldn't see it going any other way. Maybe after Wolverine was captured, the villain could have just cut his claws off in less risky manner and then killed Wolverine. But that would have been rather dark for a superhero film to see your hero die and the villain win.

Nazi hunting was really cool. I could've just watched that the entire film.

I liked the part with Magneto being trained to hone his powers. That was a cool scene that showed character growth in both his power and his emotion.

I thought there was a lot of cheesiness in First Class.

Why do people not like The Wolverine's third act? I don't understand this.

The ninja fight scene in the extended version is hilariously bad. The prophet lady just running over ninjas mercilessly and smiling as she does it is so weird. The other scenes in the extended edition work though.

I still like Dashboard's 2nd, 3rd, and 5th albums.

So that's why he read the wrong name at Miss America. He just wanted for someone to feel the pain he does everyday.