Tom Gierach

The show could always pull a Prison Break and unkill Danny next season! We all love when shows do that. At least I do.

I have some places to start:

I think Colbert should stop talking about politics every night. By the time he does it, I have already heard about that news and online users have been cracking jokes about that particular news for days.

I'll take up arms for the robots myself. They deserve the same equal protection under the law.

I've advocated all along in my letters to President Obama that we need a robot tax!

I really love "So, I Married An Axe Murderer."

Sorry. I'm voting for Johnson. I want a president who smokes weed mostly every day.

The British-ness of Lena Headey must make her unable to laugh.

This review makes the film sound really great. A climax inside the characters' minds! That is far more alluring to me than mutants showing off their ridiculous array of powers and doing battle. The main problem with First Class in fact the last battle. I had zero interest in the side-fights (Butterfly Lady and

After the great opener, I struggled to make it through the episode. Everyone seemed like they were trying too hard to be funny.

There's that Nicolas Cage movie, "Valley Girl" that was on basic cable once or maybe like UPN. It had a lot of songs in it I heard for the first time. I'd say I was about 9-10 years old. Hence, I was into good music before you were into good music. I am the true hipster.

I'd love Craig to star in another Bond film just to make up for that last film whose name is best not said.

The Vulture would never work as a solo villain with Iron Man in the picture. Iron Man could just shoot him down.

Thread For Bad Ideas

When I read the headline, I thought why cast an American actor in this film, I was really convinced that Chadwick Boseman was from an African country based on his performance in Civil War, but it turns out he is also American. That is sort of disappointing as it would've been pretty cool of Hollywood to have cast an

hahaha. It is so overly complimentary that it makes me wonder whether the writer is just being sarcastic.

I liked the first two films as a teenager, but as an adult I find them very pedestrian. The action is really repetitive and basically non-stop.

I think people still love the movie. In online polls, it frequently wins Best Best Picture. It's definitely one of my favorite films ever. I think it gets more hate than it deserves simply because Pulp Fiction or Shawshank didn't win that year, which are also masterpieces in my opinion.

I don't know how well-regarded The English Patient is still, but I am definitely on the side of Seinfeld on that movie.

What do you mean you don't like this album? You don't like this album because the singer is bad and his voice is annoying? Dude! That's the whole point. You have to challenge yourself. You get used to hearing a singer sing off-key and then the album is amazing.