Seriously, that would be awesome. I'm not sure how to work Kinja either—originally I was going to just send you a message in the first place but couldn't figure out how to do it. My email address is thomasella at gmail dot com.
Seriously, that would be awesome. I'm not sure how to work Kinja either—originally I was going to just send you a message in the first place but couldn't figure out how to do it. My email address is thomasella at gmail dot com.
Actually, I'd love to hear more. I don't want to start out by immediately side-stepping you, but any chance you can ask your friend who went to London how he/she landed it? I'm assuming it's with a postgraduate school to get a master's. I'm thinking that'll probably be my best option, but I just don't really know what…
I miss when we used to call them "programs."
Yeah, I was really surprised just how long he spent on Metroid. I mean, honestly, including a trailer for Metroid Prime Trilogy and a speedrun for Super Metroid?
That video was weird. Like, it was interesting seeing a realistic take on "Facebook stalking" (she probably would've been weirded out by his gifts at the end though) but she also looked at his Twitter and he said he "met two girls today." Who's the second girl? Isn't she concerned at all? Guy seems like a player.
Most of those things the Moto X already does natively, and that's the phone I'm planning on getting soon (my first smartphone—I know, I know). The parking thing is pretty awesome though. Are there are apps that will do only that?
Oh, I'm not saying that Corn Love plays fair. Corn Love plays dirty. Real dirty.
Corn Love is here to disprove that.
The offline mode for an online-only game should just be doing other stuff.
"...should have been doing with the Xbox One!"
I actually really love that pricing strategy. I would totally pay $10 for the tennis and golf minigames so I can play them whenever. I played them both so much when I first had a Wii. They sold me on the system. But boxing, baseball and bowling are games I didn't care for all that much. I don't need those. But if I…
You do realize that being impartial is a good thing, right?
Again, I'm not writing a news story or an article. I'm writing a comment and there's no impetus to be impartial in a comment. I'm not trying to hide anything. I could show you examples of writing similar to this article I've done where I'm impartial if you really wanted me to.
There's a difference between news and reviews. Look at Polygon. They write news stories and very rarely will they inject personal bias. It's refreshing.
It's almost like I'm not a professional games journalist getting paid to write an article and have no need to be impartial. But look, this is honestly the most balanced article I've ever read from Patricia, but because I know how she's written in the past and I know where she stands on all this, I can tell the little…
Fair enough. It's hard to keep track with Kotaku's comment system sometimes. My bad.
I said it was a layered reaction, not solely because it's ruining the industry or whatever. That was one part of it. It's really tiring when people lay down ultimatums like "you're either with us or against us" instead of having an actual discussion, and that's most often what happens when issues like this or sexism…
I think I read the same stuff as you but its source was NeoGAF so I wasn't sure how valid it was. I wonder why the Vita version is so different. Thanks for the reply.
Yep. I can't tell who writes any of the Polygon news articles unless I look because they're professionals. They're building a news site with standards, not a trashy blog that likes to stir up controversy to get clicks, then plays dumb when people get pissed.
Then how is the stuff about "laughing in the face of someone who has been raped BECAUSE they were raped" relevant? That's not what they were doing with the comic or the response.