Thomas Ella

It's because every article she writes about anything serious devolves into this and its writing like that that keeps the industry from maturing. We can never have real discussions on anything because of people like that. On another level, it just annoys me because of all the journalism classes I took that stressed

I think the reason you don't remember a lot of it is because there's just not a whole lot going on plot-wise. You just have generic memories of hopping through levels, but none of them leave you with something to chew on in your mind. They're just fun in the moment, which is enough for me. Origins was the same way.

The joke isn't to laugh at the slave being raped because he's being raped. The joke is that the arbitrary objectives of the video game say to rescue only five slaves, not all of them, and the protagonist's indifference.

Patricia linking to @teamrape as an example of a "supporter" of Mike regretting the pulling of the Dickwolves merch? Patricia grossly oversimplifying why people didn't think the controversy was warranted? (Hint: "humor shouldn't have boundaries" is not the reason at all.)

In response to the criticism by journalists and readers, Penny Arcade ran another comic that claimed that Penny Arcade did not condone rape, but also came off as sort of flippant. Two months later, Penny Arcade announced that they would sell dickwolf t-shirts in the Penny Arcade store (and later, Dickwolf pennants).

No, she completely misinterpreted why some people didn't think the controversy was warranted. It's not simply that humor shouldn't have boundaries and therefore, you're allowed to say whatever you want no matter how offensive. It's that simply saying that a fictional character is raped by a fictional creature is not

" once-over."

Man, I miss J. Allard's "hoodie under blazer with hood sticking out" look.

Uncharted 2 pushed some awesome graphics, and sometimes that's worth the trade-off to drop down to 30fps.

If they weren't backing it up, I'd be more annoyed, but they're doing a fucking fantastic job so far.

Boot Hill Heroes—of which Boyes said, "If you love Earthbound, you'll love this game"— was announced as coming to PS Mobile.

You're kidding, right? Just because developers haven't been able to hit 60fps on every game on consoles because they're really old now doesn't mean console gamers don't care. I'm holding off on Saints Row IV because I don't have a PC that can run it but I don't want to have a terrible framerate on my PS3. Sometimes

It's so lifelike.

Yeah but the reason the most powerful system never wins is because it's always the most expensive. Except for this generation. PS4 is the most powerful, but it's also at a great price. Microsoft has Kinect and Nintendo has their gamepad controller, and so neither of them are at the price point they should be at.

Everyone defending the Wii U to the death here should remind yourself of the sales numbers this year. There's clearly a problem, whether you want to admit it or not. Deflect the issue by bringing up the Vita's numbers or whatever you want; it doesn't change the fact that the Wii U is on life support right now.

I guess you missed Gamescom. Also: the last several months of Vita software.

I still actually kind of like that one. Just totally "fuck it, OVERLOAD." Like this overwhelming praise from critics, big ad for bonus content, features like 3D. So much stuff, and yet it's all in keeping with the aesthetic. Sure, it's busy and cluttered, but that's what they're going for.

I wasn't trying to imply that you went out of your way to find it and spoil it for yourself; I'm simply making the argument that any foreshadowing or deeper meaning you pick up on because you already know how this all ends should probably just be reserved for subsequent playthroughs rather than the first one because

People always talk about how stuff hits harder when you know the ending, and cite studies that show people's enjoyment goes up when they knew the ending beforehand, but to me, that's all bull. Yeah, Dutch's speech hits harder when you know what the ending is going to be. But save that kind of revelation for a second

Just don't spoil stuff. You're game journalists and you're supposed to report all the news you get. Great. But use some common sense and don't spoil things for people who want to be surprised when they spend their hard-earned money on a game they may have been waiting years to play. I don't care if it's in the last