Thomas Ella

Weird, it's almost like I wasn't comparing the two systems at all.

I have more incredible games on my Vita than time to play them. It's one of my favorite systems of all-time at this point.

I've actually gotten to the point where I won't settle for that. I want new franchises from Nintendo. The reason why I'm not buying a Wii U isn't because Mario Kart isn't out yet; it's because I've already played Mario Kart already. Several times.

Tomorrow's story: "Microsoft confirms that you don't need a Gold account to use Game DVR."

In saying "nope," I was agreeing with you.

I'm kind of tired of the reliance on GIFs at Kotaku, so I'm OK with the PS4 not exporting them directly. I will say though that I really like that the official screenshots for Luftrausers and Galak-Z are animated GIFs. Shows some real confidence in their games.

Because I live with girls who will judge the shit out of me for playing that because of the embarrassing female character designs. I'd rather just get it on Vita.

Nope. I have more awesome Vita games than time to play them all.

Sorry to hear that. :(

The stuff he says about consumables making the game easier sounds more like a return to Demon's Souls. I used to have hundreds of consumable health items in my inventory that made dying and retrying more manageable. Taking that out in Dark Souls for the Estus Flask actually made the game harder even though people

Yeah I tried to go back to GTA IV a while back and man... it's rough now. Crazy how that happens.

Well said. It's really disheartening to watch everybody flock back over to the Xbox for essentially no reason. I don't understand how they win brownie points with people by backpedalling on bad policies. Yeah, those bad policies aren't in place anymore, but why does that make it OK? The PS4 never had those policies


What happened to this being about knights slaying dragons?

Yeah, that's what I really like about the PS3-to-Vita Remote Play and why I'm really excited for PS4 where it'll be for all games. I really love being able to play full games while out of my house.

For some reason I'm just happy the phrase "rumble pack" is still alive. Brings me back to the N64 days. I had this sweet rumble pack that also had four memory cards in it and it blew my teenage mind. Also it was clear plastic so you could see the parts rumbling inside. Boss.

Trevor is wearing a Lovefist shirt with the sleeves cutoff.

That's the game they need.

It's not a dying platform. This is the problem with people who are, no offense, totally uninformed trying to speak about the platform. You're perpetuating an assumption that's false. Vita sales have been rising, especially in Japan, and there are so many awesome games for it. Games that sell really well, too.

Yep! That's where I played Origins on and loved it, whereas on the PS3, I liked it but I never got that far in it. I might end up picking up Legends on both though because they have that awesome soccer minigame that looks like it'd be really fun to play with people on the couch.