This is what I want from game trailers. Real gameplay. From the actual perspective I'll be playing it from. Looking awesome.
This is what I want from game trailers. Real gameplay. From the actual perspective I'll be playing it from. Looking awesome.
Deep down, we all know which game we want them to show off most.
Might have sold better if Sony had actually marketed it. Honestly, you'd think this would just be a default pack-in game for the PS3 from now on. Then again, I thought they'd do that with LittleBigPlanet and make Sackboy the mascot for the system.
I think the better assessment is that it's no longer an "assassination" game.
They do, usually. I remember being pumped when Shatter came to PC, for instance. Some stuff, like Flower, is going to stay on PS3 because Sony is funding it, after all, but indie stuff now like Octodad will come to PC as well after an exclusivity window because, again, Sony's helping fund the game.
I mean, I haven't played ZombiU myself, so I can't say for sure, but it just looks like the reaction people had to Demon's Souls, where a lot of people just didn't understand what it was going for and thought the mechanics were unpolished. I didn't play it, so I don't know for sure. It sounds like they poured a lot of…
But that's still on Nintendo. They are the platform holder. It is ultimately their responsibility to convince people like me to buy their system, not Ubisoft's.
It's super responsive, but my biggest problem is that it needs constant recalibrating because it's always losing the center. Mostly I just really want them to lower the price of the controllers so I can justify getting Johann Sebastian Joust.
Yeah, but Ubisoft did a great job supporting the Wii U early in the launch with stuff like ZombiU, which ended up not being profitable for them because of how slowly the system is selling. If you want to blame somebody for the delay and lack of exclusivity of Rayman Legends, blame Nintendo, not Ubisoft.
Totally agree, especially after watching his other PS4 demos. It's insane. Unless it's a JRPG that doesn't require any real-time mechanical skill at all, I don't trust his opinion on anything now.
You seem like a really fun guy judging by your recent comments.
At first, I thought the developer was controlling it and trying to show off how good the cars look or something, but very quickly realized that Jason has no idea how to control a driving game at all. So frustrating to watch. I have no clue why he kept messing with the right stick and couldn't improve at all over the…
It's very hard to get what's so impressive visually about next-gen games when you're looking at a compressed video that's not even direct footage. I have no doubt it's a very impressive-looking game. It'd be cool to get direct feed that I can blast to my TV to get the real experience.
I really wish the developers were just controlling this. No offense, Jason, but I have no idea what you're doing here. Does a real disservice to the game and it's really frustrating to watch. I can't get a feel for it at all.
Yeah but you said it would be some "horrible flop on PlayStation 4" because it doesn't have guaranteed camera control, which is just crazy. It already works fine without guaranteed camera control. I just don't get where you got the idea that Kinect is a necessary part of the Rift experience. I'd love to see Rift…
Oh see now that would be a disaster. Telling people to move around while they're wearing a headset is a surefire way to get people to hurt themselves.
Far Cry 4: Jurassic Park.
Why would you need the Kinect to find the controller? Just put it on your lap, then put the headset on, then pick up the controller.
I'm the opposite. I ask myself whether that cup of coffee is worth more than a cheap game that I could get for the same price and play for hours. As a result, I own a lot of cheap games and rarely drink coffee.