"But you could also argue Corvo's quest for vengeance is a much more personal motivator than Gordon Freeman's guilt."
"But you could also argue Corvo's quest for vengeance is a much more personal motivator than Gordon Freeman's guilt."
I don't know, man. If they consistently encouraged people to spend $80 (subtracting the $20 from the rebate) every month, that'd make pretty incredible business sense. Most people don't spend nearly that much.
To whoever designs Kotaku's graphs: "Giant Bomb," not "GiantBomb." Common mistake.
In Dead Space, you press Circle.
Does Polygon have their own RSS feed yet? Every time I try to subscribe it just gives me "The Verge - All Posts" and that's not what I want. I just want the gaming stuff.
Really annoying tutorial, even just watching it. I really hate slow-paced tutorials.
A more insightful article might've made a commentary on what it means that marketing has steadily been moving in this action-packed direction despite games staying the course, rather than complaining that the game director had the audacity to say that fans' kneejerk reactions to the latest action-packed trailer of…
1) Put more emphasis on NBA Jam. Treat it like the awesome game that it is.
Yeah, but Sony as a company can't afford to just slash the price by $100 and just be fine, just like they can't just slash the price of the PS3 by $100 and just be fine. They need to ride out the holiday season with the prices as they are and hopefully they'll be able to drop the price in the spring. It's a business,…
It was only in the Instant Game Collection for like a week or two, which is pretty rare so far. But yeah, a little too late, sorry.
Yeah, and I get that, just like sometimes the timing works out where they discount a game (pretty sure this happened with Just Cause 2) then give it away for free a week or two later and everybody who bought it feels slighted. It definitely does suck to get caught on bad timing, but you still got it at a discount, and…
"...(as long you renew Plus, you keep access to the games in the IGC; if you cancel, you lose access)."
The PS3 has come a long way in the last 5 years. Definitely worth picking up. So many good exclusives.
Seems like people are connecting the Freemasons to the Templars, and he was definitely a Freemason, so it'd make sense. Not to mention that given that Ubisoft has consistently been saying that the game won't be totally pro-America (but has been showing us nothing BUT pro-America in the marketing) I'm fairly certain…
Well, it seems like people have connected the Freemasons to Templars in the AC universe. Not sure when that happened, but George Washington was definitely a Freemason, so it would make sense that he's a Templar. I don't remember the specific reference in AC2 to GW being a Templar (so much backstory in that game) but…
Eurogamer says it was in Assassin's Creed II, which lines up with my memories of all the KUH-RAZY backstory they jammed into that game. Also made it seem like Altair had discovered the secret of living forever (which apparently wasn't the case thanks to all the retconning in Revelations).
XBL money isn't the thing stopping PS3 from getting cross-game voice chat. It's that the PS3 doesn't have as much RAM as the 360. That's literally the only reason. Yeah, XBL tends to get some DLC first, like CoD stuff, but if you don't really care about that, then what are you getting? Access to multiplayer? Why…
In the comments section of the PS Blog, they say that they're going to try to do midnight launches for as many of the games as they can.
You really don't get out much if you think Sony is "the single worst company in the world."
"Are those too many hoops?"