Thomas Ella

I just want an Everything or Nothing remake. Or at least a new, true 3rd-person Bond game. I liked some of the old FPS games, but Bond has always seemed like only a 3rd-person game can really capture his style.

On Assassin's Creed III's pro-America marketing, let's remember that George Washington is supposed to be a Templar in this fiction, and you'll fight alongside Benedict Arnold in the PS3-exclusive DLC. So even though the trailers show lots of ra-ra go-go AMURIKA, all is not what it seems.

"And what sillier game can you whip out at a party where all your friends are drunk and in the mood to be silly?"

Man I can't wait until the "butt-hurt" phase is over. Just so stupid.

Isn't it a little early in the morning to be this surly and judgmental?

I kind of like the idea of having to attack at the right time instead of just holding down a block button. It's more real, in a way. I always wondered how you'd make a sword-fighting system that's dramatic and has battles that actually feel like movie sword fights, with all the clashing of steel. This seems like a

Just because it's in or near the beginning doesn't mean it's not a spoiler. The intro to Assassin's Creed would've been a spoiler if more people were talking about it pre-release, but Ubisoft was smart enough to keep the whole Animus "it's actually set in the future" aspect a secret. Sometimes it's cool to take people

So... because it's a path in the forest with a flashlight, it's Alan Wake? Do you even realize how ridiculous that sounds? It's like you're a caricature of a forum troll.

I can't even remember the last time a sports game was Game of the Year.

Soccer is a fantastic sport. Sorry that it isn't as high-intensity as football.

For the developers of this game, games ARE art. Or at least their game is. And it sounds like they're trying to do some very complicated stuff on the AI side. They're not just building a Call of Duty or other formulaic game. They're making a game where they want you to develop a real bond with a digital creature.

I'll bet you're like a 17-year-old who works as a cashier. These guys are adults, and they're job is a little more complicated than yours. They don't OWE you anything.

Calm down, people. Now it's just become a thing to get all antsy about The Last Guardian. It will be done when it's done. To the guys making it, they're not just making some consumer product. They're making art. They're not rushing it out the door when it's not done yet, and they're not even thinking about profits.

No way, man. God of War is super fun.

Seriously, this looks awesome. Old Devil May Cry never really appealed to me that much, but this looks crazy in all the right ways. The environments remind me of the few really cool and inventive parts of Alice: Madness Returns. I'm sure my total disinterest in old DMC makes me more open-minded to this than actual

This is so much more appealing to me than old Devil May Cry. This is trippy and wild and psychedelic. The insane visual effects and torn up, colorful environments alone are enough to interest me. I just hope the combat is also a big departure from old Devil May Cry, too. Couldn't stand DMC3.

Ah, but see, that's what Dishonored is for. Dishonored will occupy my early October; ACIII will cap it off.

Assassin's Creed III, Need For Speed: Most Wanted, and Okami HD all out on the same day. Sorry, Okami HD.

Back when I used to play Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Spearhead, we'd all be leaning side-to-side and jumping whenever we'd go out into the open to make it harder for snipers to score headshots on us. God I miss that game.

Big generalization there.